What is evangeli.net?
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature through internet"
(Saint John Paul II; cf. Mk 16:15)
Since 2003, the mission of evangeli.net is to send the Gospel by internet to all parts of the world, for helping the development of humankind:
evangeli.net offers 3 services:
Contemplating today’s Gospel: We edit the Gospel of today’s Mass, along with a short meditation (˜300 words) and three short quotes: the first, from a Father or saint of the Church; then a phrase from one of the more recent Popes; finally, a few words from the "Catechism of the Catholic Church".
Master·evangeli.net: We edit a fragment of the Gospel of today’s Mass, along with very brief theological commentary (˜150 words).
Today’s Gospel for the family: we edit a fragment of the Gospel of each daily Mass, along with a drawing related to the text and a brief catechetical comment. (˜80 words). The child repeatedly appearing in the scenes of "Today’s Gospel for the family" represents our will to participate in Jesus’ life, while witnessing His deeds and miracles and being with Him from His birth until His death and resurrection.
The commentaries/homilies have been written by an international team with more than 200 clergymen (bishops, priests and deacons), whether secular or religious.
Users requesting it, receive for free by e-mail any of the daily services: Contemplating today’s Gospel, Master·evangeli.net or Today’s Gospel for the family. Each service has its own subscription process (it only requires one e-mail with specified preferences).
evangeli.net is offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Catalan, Polish, German and Chinese. Other eventual languages will be gradually incorporated.
The financing of evangeli.net
The only source of funding for evangeli.net are the donations. Its management is managed by the Cultural Association M & M Euroeditors, a non-profit entity whose objective is to ensure the transparency of the service and the appropriate use of these donations.
To better understand how the economic resources of evangeli.net are used, we answer a series of key questions:
How is evangeli.net kept? With "voluntary arms" and "voluntary money". We do not charge for our service or admit advertising revenue.
What are "voluntary arms"? They are the voluntary collaborators, distributed all over the World, who form the evangeli.net team. About 200 priests who write the comments and almost 100 people who deal with translations, promotion, attention to users, etc.
What is "voluntary money"? They are the donations, which we assemble in:
- Subscribers and users donations that reach us through the different platforms that we make available to donors.
- The contributions of a group of patrons committed to evangeli.net, who donate money and other resources, mainly technological, to ensure the quality of the service.
What proportion of money does each part contribute with? Currently, 94% comes through voluntary donations. The patronage financing means 6% of the amount needed for the maintenance of the service.
How much does evangeli.net need each month to survive? The maintenance budget for evangeli.net is currently € 3,170 per month.
What expenses do these € 3,170 monthly cover? We allocate 100% of the money that comes to evangeli.net to cover a budget that we share in two main areas:
- The Technological Area, which is responsible for the maintenance of the web (€ 140), plus sending 75,000 mails a day to subscribers (€ 530) and a professional computer service that attends to incidents and programming. Its total cost is € 670 per month.
- The General Coordination Area, which includes the project management and the supervision of the team of collaborators (€ 2,250), and the adminstrator agency (€ 250). The total cost is € 2,500 per month.
Is the technological cost of evangeli.net high? The necessary expenses for the maintenance of the web and the sending of more than 30 million e-mails per year are certainly expensive. Furthermore, Internet dissemination is the least expensive system with the farthest reach, and our programming costs are adjusted thanks to the generosity of our providers and planning that promotes the active use of subscriptions.
Budget 2025. The current planned budget is € 38,068, knowing that, throughout the year, there may be significant changes due to the need to adapt to the changes proposed by the evolution of the Internet itself. On the other hand, we understand that the technological cost is an expense linked to the diffusion that, thank God, is constantly growing.
Current evangeli.net funding. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and patrons, in 2024 we were able to cover 92% of the budget.
You can see below a graph that represents the current percentage of the 2025 budget that we have already covered thanks to donations.
If you want to help the maintenance of evangeli.net, make your donation here.
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