Table of Contents
Master· contains hundreds of brief theological commentaries on several matters of the catholic faith. Through the present TABLE OF CONTENTS you can access them directly:
- The subjects have been ranked according to the thematic index of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church”.
- A first level presents a general view of the mentioned index by thematic groups.
- In a second group of depth when you click on the links 1st PART (2nd PART, etc.) you can see the detailed theme list and access the desired commentaries/themes.
- Some themes appear in more than one title of the index – title in bold.
- Each commentary is linked to the Gospel of a particular liturgical day. Should some single days be linked to diverse commentaries it is possible for the chosen theme to occupy the second, third … place: it will be automatically located while the bottom of the page is shown on the screen.
Part one: The profession of faith
Man's capacity for God
The revelation of God (The Stages of Revelation)
God has said everything in his Word (There will be no further Revelation)
The transmission of divine Revelation
The Apostolic Tradition
Tradition and Sacred Scripture
Sacred Scripture (Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture; The Canon of Scripture)
The fourth Gospel (according to St. John) and its great imagery
The Magisterium of the Church (The heritage of faith entrusted to the whole of the Church)
Man's response to God
The Obedience of Faith: The Characteristics of Faith (Faith is a grace, Faith is a human act, Faith and understanding, The freedom of faith, Faith - the beginning of eternal life).
God: only one God; The living God, "A God merciful and gracious"
God alone IS
The implications of faith in one God
The Father
The revelation of God as Trinity: The Father revealed by the Son, The Father and the son revealed by the spirit, The formation of the Trinitarian dogma.
The Almighty. The mystery of God's apparent powerlessness
The Creator. Catechesis on creation: "The world was created for the glory of God", God creates by wisdom and love, God creates "out of nothing", God creates an ordered and good world, God transcends creation and is present to it
The angels. The existence of the devil
The visible world
Man: "In the image of God", "Body and soul but truly one", "A unity in two"
The fall: Freedom put to the test
Jesus Christ, The Only Son of God
Christ identity. The Incarnation: two natures in a single Person (True God and true Man)
Human body; Christ?s human intelligence and will
The names and the "titles" of Jesus Christ (Jesus, Emmanuel, Christ, The Lord, Messiah, Son of Man...)
Threefold Priestly Office of Christ: to sanctify, to teach, to rule
Born of the Virgin Mary
Christ's whole life is a mystery. The mysteries of Christ's life (Incarnation and infancy; public ministry, Paschal Mysteries)
Incarnation and infancy
Public ministry
The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus teachings by parables
Towards Jerusalem
The Paschal Mysteries
The Passion
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Holy Spirit
The Church. Names and images of the Church: People of God , Body of Christ, Temple of the Holy Spirit, Bride of Christ
The marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic and apostolic
The Faithful in the Church: ordained faithful and lay faithful; baptismal priesthood and ministerial priesthood
Hierarchy: Saint Peter: Prince of the Apostles; foundation of unity; warrant of the catholic faith. Episcopal college
The lay faithful
The communion of saints
Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church
The forgiveness of sins
The resurrection of the body. Eschatology (Judgement; Last Things)
Part Two: The celebration of the christian mystery
The liturgy, work of the Holy Trinity. Source of life
Liturgical Time
The sacramental economy. The sacraments.
The sacraments of christian initiation
The sacraments of healing
The sacraments at the service of communion
Part three: Life in Christ
Man's vocation life in the spirit
Man: the image of God
Our vocation to beatitude. The Desire for Happiness
Man's freedom: Freedom and Responsibility
The morality of human acts. Good Acts and Evil Acts
The morality of the passions
Moral conscience
The virtues. The cardinal virtues (Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance)
The Theological Virtues (Faith, Hope, Charity).
The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The person and society. The Communal Character of the Human Vocation
Social justice: Respect For the Human Person; Equality and Differences Among Men. Human Solidarity
The moral law. The Natural Moral Law; The Old Law; The New Law or the Law of the Gospel.
Grace and justification
Christian Holiness
The Ten Commandments. The Decalogue. The unity of the Decalogue
The first commandment. "Him Only Shall You Serve". Adoration. Prayer. Sacrifice. The right to religious freedom. Atheism.
The second commandment
The third commandment. The Lord's Day
The fourth commandment. The Family. The Authorities. The political community and the Church
The fifth commandment. Respect for Human Life. Peace
The sixth commandment. "Male and Female He Created Them ...". Chastity. The integrity of the person . The Love of Husband and Wife
The seventh commandment. The Universal Destination and the Private Ownership of Goods. The Social Doctrine of the Church. Economy and Justice
The eighth commandment. Living in the Truth. The Use of the Social Communications Media
The ninth commandment. Purification of the Heart
The tenth commandment. Concupiscence. Poverty of Heart
Part four: Christian Prayer
What is prayer?
The universal call to prayer
The battle of prayer
The Lord's prayer. "Our Father!"
Part one: The profession of faith
Man's capacity for God
- The importance of History in the Christian Faith
- Supernatural Live
The revelation of God (The Stages of Revelation)
- The "New Covenant"
- The "New Covenant" sealed with the Blood of Christ
- The New Alliance happened by Jesus Christ guides the Old to his fullness
God has said everything in his Word (There will be no further Revelation)
- Jesus Christ, the fullness of Revelation
The transmission of divine Revelation
The Apostolic Tradition
- The Tradition
Tradition and Sacred Scripture
- Tradition and Holy Scripture
Sacred Scripture (Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture; The Canon of Scripture)
- The Holy Scriptures
- How to interpret the "Bible"? Limits of the "historical-critical" method
- How to interpret the "Bible"? The "canonical" exegesis method
- With the Resurrection of Jesus Scripture has been revealed in a new way
- The "Bible" is one only book. How was it made?
- The Author of the Sacred Scripture
- "Divine inspiration" of the "Biblical" authors
- Old and New Testament
- What does “Gospel” actually mean?
- The Gospel is not a legend but the account of a true story
- The Matthew's Gospel
The fourth Gospel (according to St. John) and its great imagery
- The fourth Gospel clearly says that Jesus is the son of God
- St. John prologue ("Where are you from?"). Our faith in Jesus brings us to birth from God
- Jesus, "I am" previous to Abraham
- The Fourth Gospel is based on the Old Testament
- The fourth Gospel does not derive from the Gnosticism
- Liturgical character of the fourth Gospel
- Who were Jesus’ accusers? (“The Jewish” question in John)
- John 6: the bread subject
- John 6: the general context (comparison between Moses and Jesus)
- John 6: the real "bread" is the "Torah"
- John 6: Law has become Person
- John 6: Jesus is the "Bread of Life" because He reveals the Father
- John 6: the Word converts itself in “bread” first of all through Incarnation
- John 6: the "Bread-Eucharist" contains the sacrifice of "Word-Incarnate"
- John 6: the Eucharist "transforms" us in "spirit"
- John 10: background and fulfillment of the image of "God as Shepherd"
- John 10: knowledge and belonging interrelation between the Good Shepherd and His flock
- John 10: the Good Shepherd gives "life "in abundance"
- John 10: Jesus is the "door" of the fold
- John 15: the image of the vine and the wine
- John 15: perseverance (fruit and love belong together)
The Magisterium of the Church (The heritage of faith entrusted to the whole of the Church)
- The repository of the faith
- "New" and "Old" in the Church
- The new evangelization: it is necessary to update the "understanding" of faith
- Jesus Christ is the principal subject of evangelization in the world
Man's response to God
- Obedience in Jesus is the true cult to God
- Conversion: man accepts to depend upon the true Creator
- God's call and men's answer (the Christian vocation)
The Obedience of Faith: The Characteristics of Faith (Faith is a grace, Faith is a human act, Faith and understanding, The freedom of faith, Faith - the beginning of eternal life).
- Faith (Reasonable) and Reason (Openness)
- Faith and reason: the habit of accepting only “factual”
- The “courage for truth” («Say yes when you mean yes and say no when you mean no»)
- "Pathologies of the reason" and "pathologies of the religion"
- "Si Deus daretur" (save reason by opening it up to faith)
- God won't submit to experiments
- The Christian faith is "per-formative"
- The certainty of the word of Jesus can be proved solely through "practice"
- The cure of the blind man in Bethsaida: symbol of the path of our faith
God: only one God; The living God, "A God merciful and gracious"
- Who is God? God has a name!
- God is Reason (Logos) and Love (Relation)
- God’s style
- God’s patience
- The heart of God burns with compassion!
- The Heart of God is touched by the sight of human weakness and offers his forgiveness
- The Mercy of God is not a "cheap grace"
- Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy
- The history of our Faith
God alone IS
The implications of faith in one God
The Father
The revelation of God as Trinity: The Father revealed by the Son, The Father and the son revealed by the spirit, The formation of the Trinitarian dogma.
- The Holy Trinity: God is not a solitary being
- The Holy Trinity is not an "infinite loneliness", but an "event of Love"
- God, One in the Trinity, a supreme and profound communion of love and life
- Eternity in the Father’s House
- The will of the Father
- The Son of God
- The Son of God, sent by the Father
- Whoever sees the Son sees the Father
- Divine filiation
- The Divinity dwells in our soul through Grace
The Almighty. The mystery of God's apparent powerlessness
- The mystery of the divine "impotence"
- The "power of God"
- Powerful and merciful God
The Creator. Catechesis on creation: "The world was created for the glory of God", God creates by wisdom and love, God creates "out of nothing", God creates an ordered and good world, God transcends creation and is present to it
- God, the Creator
- The world of matter also belongs to the true God
- The creation is oriented to the "Sabbath"
- Evil: why does it exist if God is the Infinite Good?
- The drowsiness of the disciples and the power of the Evil One
- Christ’s action through the Holy Spirit preserves us from evil
- Presence of God
- The presence of God in the world
- Children of God: Trust in Divine Providence
- In the prayer of Jesus we perceive God’s concern for humankind
- Heaven is not empty
- The miracles: God continues being God
- "Deism"
The angels. The existence of the devil
- The Saint Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
- Is there still the devil?
The visible world
Man: "In the image of God", "Body and soul but truly one", "A unity in two"
- The man is “the soul that is expressed in the body” and “body enlivened by an immortal spirit”
- The unique dignity of each person
- Male and female: identical dignity in complementarity
The fall: Freedom put to the test
- The original sin: a "disturbance" in the beginnings
- Men usurp the creation (“Parable of the wicked tenants”)
- Original sin: human freedom fears the greatness of God
- The "original sin": Oh happy fault!
Jesus Christ, The Only Son of God
- Revelation of Jesus’ origin
- Only God is Jesus’ "Father" in the proper sense
- Jesus, the "Son of God"
- Jesus, Son "con-substantial" with God
- The source of Jesus authority
Christ identity. The Incarnation: two natures in a single Person (True God and true Man)
- Jesus Christ, true God and true man
- Jesus, the Christ of God; the Holy One of God, the Son of the living God
- Jesus of Nazareth the man is the "transparency" of God
- The Incarnation of the Son of God for our salvation
- The "power" of Jesus: obedience to His Father
- The "Christ of the faith" and the historical "Jesus"
- Was Jesus a political revolutionary? (Controversy about Jesus’ "Zelotism”)
- Jesus, the one and only Saviour, is the Messiah, the very same Son of God prepared to suffer with us
Human body; Christ?s human intelligence and will
- "I am": The divine science in Christ
The names and the "titles" of Jesus Christ (Jesus, Emmanuel, Christ, The Lord, Messiah, Son of Man...)
- Jesus, "God’s Servant"
- Jesus, the Christ-Messiah
- Jesus, the "Son of Man"
- Jesus, the new David
Threefold Priestly Office of Christ: to sanctify, to teach, to rule
- Jesus-Christ is the Son of God, crucified and risen to save us
- The Atonement of Christ for the sins of mankind
- Jesus, the prophetic interpreter of "Moses' Law"
- Christ restores Creation. The apostle must go and spread the Good News
- “Redemption” makes truth recognizable
- Jesus is the Legislator, He is Justice in person
- Christ the King
Born of the Virgin Mary
Christ's whole life is a mystery. The mysteries of Christ's life (Incarnation and infancy; public ministry, Paschal Mysteries)
Incarnation and infancy
- The one "God-who-comes"
- The “God-with-us” has “espoused” our humanity
- Jesus, "Light of Light", man's hope
- Christ's triple coming
- Jesus: "A prophet like Me"
- Jesus, the "new Moses"
- Jesus of Nazareth: a recognizable historical figure from the faith
- The genealogy of Jesus Christ: from Abraham up to all people
- "Bethlehem" at home
- St. Joseph, the spouse of Mary and Foster father of Jesus
- John, the Baptist
- John the Baptist: the forerunner of God’s coming
- The Visitation: John, before his birth, begins his mission as Jesus’ precursor
- Visitation of the Virgin Mary: wherever Mary goes Jesus is present
- Birth of John the Baptist (chosen by God)
- John was to be the very last testimony before Jesus' arrival
- The martyrdom of St. John the Baptist (¿what is a martyr?)
- Zechariah’s “Benedictus”
- Christmas: "You are my Son; this day I have begotten you"
- Jesus, "mystery of Revelation ", has brought us God
- La Sagrada Família: la família de Jesús mereix el títol de "santa"
- Jesus Christ, "Mystery of Redemption"
- The "ox and the donkey"
- Bethlehem: "God bends down"
- Jesus Christ, "mystery of recapitulation"
- The stable of Bethlehem the new palace of David
- The simplicity is God’s mark
- Epiphany: Jesus manifests himself to all peoples
- The "light" of Bethlehem
- The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple
- The Presentation of the Lord at the Temple. The prophetess Anna
- The Holy Innocents, martyrs
Public ministry
- John’s baptism, inception of the Christian Baptism
- The Baptism of Jesus Christ (B): He began his public life taking the sinners’ place
- Jesus, the “Lamb of God”
- The temptations of Jesus
- Christ did not cast himself down from the pinnacle of the Temple
- Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry
- Mary's prayer
- Jesus’ prayer to the Father
- Jesus, Master with “authority”
- "Loyalty" and "novelty" in Jesus' doctrine
- Jesus made himself “a leper” so that we might be cleansed
- Jesus calls and elects “the Twelve” (Apostles)
- The multiplication of the loaves
- The "Kingdom" Christ has proclaimed is He, Himself
- The "Kingdom of God" is the sovereignty of "God present in history"
- The "Kingdom of God" is a reality which includes several aspects
- The Kingdom of God explained through parables
- The primacy of God in the "Kingdom". Error of Marxism
The Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus didn’t come to abolish Moses’ law but to fulfil it entirely
- From “Moses’ Law” to the “Messiah’s Law”
- The Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mountain
- The "Beatitudes", the Christian’s paradoxes
Jesus teachings by parables
- The parables of Jesus
- Parables are the "heart" of the preaching of Christ
- Parable of the sower
- Parable of the Sower: an “autobiographical” passage of Jesus
- The parable of the mustard seed
- The "measure of God" (parable of the mustard seed)
- The Time of Jesus is the time of sowing and of the seed
- Parables of the "treasure" and the "pearl": the God's Kingdom (I)
- Parables of the "Treasure" and the "Pearl": the Kingdom of God (II)
- The "Parable of the talents"
- The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: a station on the "Path of the Cross"
- News of the “Parable of the vineyards and its tenants”
- "Spiritual unemployment" (Parable of the unemployed vine growers)
- Implicit Christology in the "Parable of the Prodigal Son"
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Our frailty is the source of a great treasure
- The doctrine of the Purgatory in the “Parable of the rich man and Lazarus”
Towards Jerusalem
- "God's yoke"
- The Samaritan woman. The Jesus’ weariness
- Peter’s confession on the way to Jerusalem
- First announcement of the Passion. The path of the cross
- Jesus, "the Servant of God", predicts His Passion
- In the "mount" of Transfiguration
- The Transfiguration is not a change in Jesus but the revelation of his divinity
- The Transfiguration: the mystery of Jesus as "Light of Light"
- Transfiguration: "Jesus... alone": this must suffice on the journey
- Jesus cleanses the Temple
- Jesus, the "New Temple" of the "new Israel". Universality of salvation
- "I am the Son of God". Initial reactions in Jerusalem
- The Sanhedrin decides to kill Jesus
The Paschal Mysteries
- Jesus of Nazareth, key to a new reading of the Law and the Prophets
- The extreme hour of Jesus
- The Transfiguration and the mystery of the Cross
- The universal salvation, prophesized by Isaiah, is revealed in the Cross
- The "Eschatological Discourse"
- Announcement of the destruction of Jerusalem
- Jesus foretells the demise of the Temple of Jerusalem
- Demolition of the Temple of Jerusalem
- The "time of the Gentiles" and the persecutions
- Prophecy and apocalyptic in the "Eschatological Discourse"
The Passion
- Christ the King: the authority to serve
- The kingship of Jesus at the moment of his Crucifixion
- Jesus, the "true Jonah"
- The Passion of Christ
- Christ’s "vicarious suffering"
- The death of Christ
- The “leave” of Jesus (about martyrdom)
- The temptation of "success" without the Cross
- The Exaltation of the Holy Cross: the new desired cult has become a reality in the Cross of Jesus
The Resurrection
- The Resurrection of Christ
- Jesus’ Resurrection: a type of life utterly new
- Resurrection appearances of Jesus to the Apostles
- Christ’s resurrection, basis of the Christian message
- Jesus is the new Temple
- The infant Church distanced itself from the Temple and its sacrifices
The Ascension
- The Ascension: Christ receives the heavenly homage
- Christ's Ascension: the human being has entered into intimacy with God in a new way
- The Ascension: invitation to be in communion with Jesus, invisibly present
- Christ remains in us
- Jesus Christ, the Lord, is close to His Church
- God’s "eros" Love
The Holy Spirit
- God the Holy Spirit
- The "gift" of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of His Passion
- The holy fear of God
- Pentecost: the feast of creation and origin of the Church, reveals God to us
The Church. Names and images of the Church: People of God , Body of Christ, Temple of the Holy Spirit, Bride of Christ
- The Church: communion of believers with Christ
- The Church, mother of our faith
- Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome
- Israel, first bearer of salvation for all people
- The Church was very soon a “persecuted church”, even for “the sake of justice”
The marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic and apostolic
- God does not want to see anyone excluded
- Ecumenism
- The apostle
- The apostle: human weakness and divine call
- The Apostles, friends of Jesus
- The Apostles’ succession. The apostolic College
- Saints Peter and Paul, apostles of faith
- Saint Andrew, apostle
- St. James, the Greater, apostle
- St. John, apostle and evangelist
- Matthew’s vocation: Jesus calls from his place of employment
- Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
- St. Thomas, apostle
- St. Bartholomew, apostle
- St. Simon and Jude, apostles
- Saint Matthias, apostle (The joy of the apostle)
- The "Conversion" of St. Paul
- The Church as “Missionary”
- Saint Luke, evangelist
- The new evangelization: renewal of the Church
- The new evangelization is not "new": The Church is always "missionary"
- The risk of rejecting the Gospel
- The new evangelization: the need to rediscover the faith
The Faithful in the Church: ordained faithful and lay faithful; baptismal priesthood and ministerial priesthood
Hierarchy: Saint Peter: Prince of the Apostles; foundation of unity; warrant of the catholic faith. Episcopal college
- The Church: the ministerial priesthood and the Hierarchy
- "Primate" of the Pope
- The Pope is not a "dictator"
- The "power of the keys"
- Chair of St. Peter, apostle
The lay faithful
- The faithful secular in the People of God
- St. Mary Magdalene
- St. Martha
The communion of saints
- All Saints Day
- The "new family" of God
- Commemoration of All Souls
- Stephen, First Martyr
Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church
- The “Immaculate” Conception of the Virgin Mary
- Birth of Mary
- "Rejoice" ("Kairé"): beginning of the New Testament
- Two "announcements": Zechariah and Mary
- The Annunciation
- Holy Mary, Mother of God ("Theotókos")
- The Visitation (2nd Joyful Mystery)
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- Immaculate Heart of Mary (The "heart)
- Heaven has a heard (Assumption of Our Lady)
The forgiveness of sins
- We will not find God without forgiveness
- Without God there is not forgiveness
- God’s greatest power: to forgive sins
- The Parable of the merciless servant (pardon is only effective for those who can forgive)
- The medicine of mercy
The resurrection of the body. Eschatology (Judgement; Last Things)
- The horizon of eternity and our responsibility over time
- Eternal life, the "unknown known reality"
- Eternal life: “I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you”
- Conscience of eternal life
- Death: a look into reality
- Christ pulls down the wall of death
- Not everything ends with death: God’s Judgment
- The prospect of the Judgment while living the "present"
- The "Final Judgment ": grace and justice
- The Judgment as a place for practicing hope
- The "purgatory"
- Final states of man (I): "Hell"
- Final states of man (II): "Heaven"
- The Last Judgment: response to the injustices of history
- God’s punishment
- Heaven. The Sadducees’ error about Resurrection
- My words will not pass away
Part Two: The celebration of the christian mystery
The liturgy, work of the Holy Trinity. Source of life
- Worshiping God
- Divine Liturgy
- Liturgy: "Sancta sancte tractanda"
Liturgical Time
- The Liturgical Year. The centre of the Liturgy is Christ
- "Advent": memory of the coming of the Saviour and the hope of his glorious return
- Advent ("adventus"): God's movement towards mankind
- The Season of Advent: the true "master" of the world is not the human being but God
- Advent: to listen to God’s voice through the Sacred Scriptures
- St. John the Baptist, prototype of the attitude of Advent
- Ash Wednesday: the beginning of the Lenten season
- The fasting tradition
- The Easter
The sacramental economy. The sacraments.
The sacraments of christian initiation
- The Baptism
- John’s baptism, inception of the Christian Baptism
- The Baptism: participation in Jesus’ world-transforming struggle
- The Eucharist
- Sacrament of the Eucharist (the Holy Mass)
- The Mystery of the Eucharist prolongs the Mystery of the Incarnation
- The "Bread" and the "Blessing" in the Eucharist
- The Eucharist, Christian food
- The Sunday's Holy Mass ("Sine dominico non possumus")
- The Eucharist renders us "christiform"
- Devotion to the Eucharist: the procession of the Corpus
The sacraments of healing
- The Sacrament of Penance
- The Sacrament of Penance: the reality of sin in the light of God's infinite mercy
- Sacrament of "Anointing of the sick"
The sacraments at the service of communion
- Marriage: What is getting married?
- Sexuality and marriage: they are sacred!
- Male and female: identical dignity in complementarity
- The Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried
- Holy is the Sacrament that enables to exercise the ministry which the Lord Jesus entrusted to the Apostles
Part three: Life in Christ
Man's vocation life in the spirit
- What is "love"?
- "What is Truth?"
- Man: what is he good for?
- The hour of Jesus (the call)
- Our faith in Jesus brings us to birth from God
Man: the image of God
- The man is not a being "thrown" at random into the world
- Jesus Christ’s "chariot of fire" (God calls man)
- Fidelity to Christ, the light of the world
Our vocation to beatitude. The Desire for Happiness
- The "Beatitudes", the Christian’s paradoxes
- The Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mountain
- The divine call
Man's freedom: Freedom and Responsibility
- The freedom
- Christ "crucified freedom"
- Freedom has a "price"
The morality of human acts. Good Acts and Evil Acts
- The "heart" and "the purity of the heart"
- The announcement of the Gospel consists in the offering of God’s grace to the sinner
- Sin is the rupture of the love relationship
The morality of the passions
Moral conscience
- From the Cross, God “opens our eyes and our ears”
- The "blindness" of relativism
- Moral conscience numbing
- Spiritual myopia and moral shallowness
- Poverty requires pure intention and generosity. The conscience, the "epicenter" of the moral
The virtues. The cardinal virtues (Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance)
- The fight of the Christian
- Who knows Father? (Simplicity)
- Humility ("grievers" learn to see)
- Christ took the lowest place in the world, the Cross
- Perseverance (fruit and love belong together)
- Christian poverty: detachment from earthly riches
- The Christian joy
- The pain according to Christianity: suffering with great hope
The Theological Virtues (Faith, Hope, Charity).
- The faith
- The act of faith
- Faith as hearing and sight
- Faith is an act with which I entrust myself freely to a God who loves me
- Faith is a confident entrustment to a “You”, who is God
- The light of faith: “Lord, I believe!”
- Faith as "seed of interior life"
- Faith is a journey of “illumination”
- Doubts of faith
- Faith with achievements
- Faith without works is a “dead” faith
- Those who believe are never alone (openness to the ecclesial "We")
- Faith is passed on from one person to another, just as one candle is lighted from another
- God’s hope for man is the basis of man’s hope in God
- The only "reliable" hope
- Love: the “First” Commandment vs. the “New” commandment
- Charity in truth ("Caritas in veritate")
- The "New Commandment": "gift" and "task"
- The "new commandment": to live in Jesus in order to act like Jesus
- Charity
- Charity: “God’s ethics”
- Charity: to love God in our brothers
- The twofold commandment of charity: "His" friend is my friend
- Charity. Loving our enemies
- Love your enemies: forgive them
- My "neighbor"
The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- The "world"
- The temptation: appearance of good
- The temptation: appearance of realism
- The sin is the profound cause of all evil
- Conversion
The person and society. The Communal Character of the Human Vocation
Social justice: Respect For the Human Person; Equality and Differences Among Men. Human Solidarity
The moral law. The Natural Moral Law; The Old Law; The New Law or the Law of the Gospel.
- Only God is God. The Law of Nature
- Moral law: the inner path to our heart
- The wisdom of the Law of God
Grace and justification
- "Ethos" (human nature) and "grace"
- The washing that purifies us is Jesus’ love that reaches to the end
Christian Holiness
- Follow the Lord
- The Christian is a pilgrim, he walks alongside with Jesus
- Jesus, our true Treasure
- Loving God's will
- Divine filiation
- "Children" before God (divine filiation)
- The "new family" of God
- Universal call to holiness
- God's call and men's answer (the Christian vocation)
- The mission of Christians (apostolate): "salt of the earth" and "light of the world”
- Holiness in ordinary life
The Ten Commandments. The Decalogue. The unity of the Decalogue
The first commandment. "Him Only Shall You Serve". Adoration. Prayer. Sacrifice. The right to religious freedom. Atheism.
- The first commandment (you shall love God) and the second (you shall love your neighbour) form a single precept
- Respect of the sacred
- Worship
- Adoration is the power that moves everything
- The position of prayer: Jesus prays on his knees
- Atheism (disavowal of faith)
- The idolatry
The second commandment
- "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain" (2nd Commandment of the Decalogue)
The third commandment. The Lord's Day
- Sunday, the "Lord's Day"
- The real "rest" of Saturday
- The Sunday's Holy Mass
The fourth commandment. The Family. The Authorities. The political community and the Church
- Family, the cradle of the nascent life
- Religion, "laïcité positive" and "secularism"
- The authority of the State and its limits
- The political State: legitimacy and limits
- The greatness of humanity depends on its relation with the sufferer
- Logos creates "diá-logos"
The fifth commandment. Respect for Human Life. Peace
- Marriage: love is fruitful!
- Contraception (Condom use)
- The Culture of death. Abortion
- "Jesus unborn" illuminates life from the womb of the mother
- The peace of Christ
- The foundation of building peace
- Justice and Peace
- “God the Shepherd” creates peace
- The forgiveness
- Forgiveness exacts a price, first of all from the person who forgives
- Without Jesus the Redeemer it is inevitable to "harden the heart"
- Virtuous tolerance
The sixth commandment. "Male and Female He Created Them ...". Chastity. The integrity of the person . The Love of Husband and Wife
- The women
- Matrimony: what is marriage?
- Divorce? There is no love without eternity
- Marriage: There are no unfaithful loves!
- The Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried
- Sexuality and marriage: they are sacred!
The seventh commandment. The Universal Destination and the Private Ownership of Goods. The Social Doctrine of the Church. Economy and Justice
- What is the "Social Doctrine of the Church"?
- The Social Doctrine of the Church belongs to the scope of “Moral Theology”
- Human development
- God calls us to the progress
- Economy and ethics: moral imperatives of the economic activity
- The "myth of the progress"
- The common good: the good of every man for all mankind
- Man is the origin and destination of all economic activity
- The moral responsibility in the economic activity
- The ecology: we must consider creation as a gift
- The principles of solidarity and subsidiarity in the Social doctrine of the Church
- Solidarity: to wake the “accustomed heart” up
- The dignity of the work
- Matthew’s vocation: Jesus calls from his place of employment
- A paralyzed humanity can only walk with a healthy heart
- Private property and Solidarity
- The "Logic of the gift" (Social Doctrine of the Church)
- The "principle of gratuitousness” in economic activity
- The conviction that man is self-sufficient has led him to confuse happiness with immanent forms of material prosperity
- The mercy perfects to the justice
- Speculation
- Corruption and illegality in the conduct of the economic and political class
- Origen of the "Natural Law"
- "Positivism" and "Natural Law"
- The "nature of nature" (Foundations of Law)
- Politics at the service of man
- The authority to serve
- Political action: a commitment to justice
- The “principle of participation” in the Social Doctrine of the Church
The eighth commandment. Living in the Truth. The Use of the Social Communications Media
- United in the truth
- Relativism. Subjectivism. Individualism
- Rectitude of intention
- Fraternity: "judging" with Christ’s gaze
- The mercy: "Judge not, and you will not be judged"
The ninth commandment. Purification of the Heart
- The source of pure love
The tenth commandment. Concupiscence. Poverty of Heart
- Poverty: "dis-attached" to be free
- Priority of the spiritual
- The primacy of God in the "Kingdom". Error of Marxism
- Atheist materialism (About marxism)
Part four: Christian Prayer
What is prayer?
- The prayer
- The "itineraries" of prayer
- The position of prayer: Jesus prays on his knees
- “Vocal prayer” (personal/communitarian) and “continuous prayer”
- Prayer: a relationship with Jesus which is “personal” and at the same time “communitarian”
- The “approachable God”
- In Jesus’ healing action enters the prayer
- Prayer of Petition
- The prayer of giving thanks
The universal call to prayer
- Time for God
The battle of prayer
- The prayer, a struggle "hand to hand” with God
The Lord's prayer. "Our Father!"
- The "Lord’s Prayer" arises from Jesus’ prayer
- The "Lord’s Prayer": the prayer of the sons of God
- The "Lord’s Prayer": structure and contents
- The "Lord’s Prayer": the 4th petition (our daily bread)
New Trivia Quiz on Lent (Cycle C)
March 5th
Ash Wednesday
Gospel and commentary video