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Who are we?

00. Contemplating today’s Gospel

  • Mr.Gerry Peterson Mr. Gerry Peterson  (Lake Delevan, Wisconsin [United States]) Coordination

    Widower with 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren. Converted to Catholicism as adult followed by 35 years as RCIA leader. Graduate of Western Illinois University with focus in Business Administration/Economics. Retired from 40 year career with 3 major international corporations in operations management, human resources and training design, development and implementation.

  • Mr.Jon  Heidenreich Mr. Jon Heidenreich  (Cleveland, Ohio [United States], 1970) Audio

    Married to Linda with 1 child (Matthew). Member and Minister of Holy Communion at St. Mary's parish in Delaware, Ohio, USA. Graduate of the University of Maryland in Information Systems Management. He currently works as a network administrator at an Ohio based company.

  • MsDeborah Bradford Ms Deborah Bradford  (Henderson, Kentucky [United States]) Audiovisuals

    Member and ‘Proclaimer of the Word’ at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church in Henderson, Kentucky (USA). Graduate of Spalding University and Vanderbilt University. She currently works as an administrator and Nurse Practitioner in Mental Health Services.

  • MsJanet Ann Brulte Ms Janet Ann Brulte  (Fort Worth, Texas [United States], 1954) Audio and content editor

    I have 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and a black lab named Collins. Degrees from Tarleton State University, Sam Houston State University, and Texas A&M University with emphasis on Special Education and Educational Psychology. Lector at Saint Mary Magdalen Parish.

  • Mr.Vince Cavanaugh Mr. Vince Cavanaugh  (Williamsport, Pennsylvania [United States], 1953) Audio

    I am married with two adult children. I am retired after a long career as a travelling salesperson. My interests include music, firearms (target shooting) and suspenseful movies and novels.

  • MsNancy Mora Ms Nancy Mora  (San José [Costa rica], 1988) Audio

    I am happily married and currently residing in my beautiful native country, Costa Rica. I have a master’s in Criminology from UC Irvine, and I work for Amazon’s fraud department. My favorite hobbies include traveling, reading, horseback riding, and playing music.

  • MsMaria Graciela Byrne Ms Maria Graciela Byrne  (Dallas, Texas [United States], 1960) Translation

    Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. BA in Journalism from Texas State University. Experience in local TV news, advertising, Bilingual and Spanish education and textbook sales and training. Currently a translator for a national retail arts and crafts chain. I also provide the Spanish translation for the One Bread One Body text. My husband, Michael and I have four daughters and two grandchildren. We serve as Extraordinary Minsters and Lectors at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.

  • Mr.David Shick Mr. David Shick  (Raleigh, North Carolina [United States]) Content editor

    I am an attorney, and my work is focused on providing education, training, and professional development to criminal Justice officials. In my parish, I stay active in a variety of ministries, including the RCIA program. I am also a professed secular (Third Order) Franciscan. In our free time, my wife and I enjoy traveling, especially to the beautiful beaches of North Carolina.

  • MsBarbara Rebhuhn Ms Barbara Rebhuhn  (Elkhorn, Wisconsin [United States]) Audio

    I’m a retired college professor residing in southeast Wisconsin. I completed a bachelor's degree at the University of South Dakota, masters from University of Wisconsin- River Falls and doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I was married for 20 years before my husband succumbed to cancer. Due to that experience, I find healthy eating and faith to have significance to me. Hobbies include organic gardening, cooking, baking, golf, and reading.

01. Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy - General Services

  • Fr.Antoni Carol i Hostench Fr. Antoni Carol i Hostench  (Barcelona [Spain], 1960) General coordinator. Editorial staff

    Graduate in Business Management and M.B.A. (ESADE, Barcelona) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD Navarra University). Ordained priest in 1990.

  • Mr.Antonio González-Barros Mr. Antonio González-Barros  (Palamós, Girona [Spain], 1961) Counseling on Strategy and the Internet

    He has carried out a Management Proficiency Course "“PADE"” at the IESE. He is presently President, CEO and founder of the Intercom Group, which is the company that technically supports www.evangeli.net. Married with Ruth, with three sons.

  • Mr.Jesús Bonastre i Quintana Mr. Jesús Bonastre i Quintana  (Barcelona [Spain], 1949) Area Coordinator for Translations, Promotion and Audio Version

    Technical Engineer. He followed a management course at the IESE Business School. Married to Pilar, at present, with five sons and two grand sons. He manages his own company.

  • Mr.Marco Bugalla Font Mr. Marco Bugalla Font  (Moncalieri, Torino [Italy], 1966) Assitant to General Coordinator

02. Editorial Area

  • Fr.Joaquim Meseguer i García Fr. Joaquim Meseguer i García  (Sabadell, Barcelona [Spain], 1962) General supervisor and Catalan-Spanish translator. Adviser of patristic literature

    Doctor of Theology (ThD) by the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia. He completed studies at the Istituto Patristico Agustinianum (Pontificia Universitatis Lateranensis). He was ordained priest in 1988.

  • Satur Narbón i Aragall Satur Narbón i Aragall  (Barcelona [Spain], 1953) Coordination of the Editorial Area of www.evangeli.net

    Industrialist. Master in Business Administration (MBA) IESE of Barcelona. Married to Pilar, they have 5 children and 7 grandchildren. He runs his own company.

  • Ms.Mª Dolores  Membrive Fernández Ms. Mª Dolores Membrive Fernández  (Barcelona [Spain], 1946) Recording of the Audio version of Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy

    Married to Angel, they have 4 children. In addition to her housework, she has worked professionally in the knitwear industry.

03. Promotional Area

  • MrFerran Cladellas Mr Ferran Cladellas  (Terrassa, Barcelona [Spain], 1969) On line promotion. Webmail.

    Ferran is an entrepreneur in the renewable energy sector and environment. Married with Beatriz and father of four children.

  • Mr.Jorge Mira Vallet Mr. Jorge Mira Vallet  (Barcelona [Spain], 1976) On line Promotion.

    CEO of Prestigia, digital marketing agency. Digital Strategy expert for SMEs. As a social volunteer he is the Project Director of CinemaNet. Married to Mónica, they have three daughters.

05. Technical Area

  • Albert Domingo i Melgosa Albert Domingo i Melgosa  (Mollerusa, Lleida [Spain], 1966) Coordination of the technical area of www.evangeli.net

    Technical Engineer of Telecommunications in La Salle (Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona) and PDD by IESE (Barcelona). After working in Systems of Control and Nets, he founds NexTRet, a company of information technology services in 1993 (www.nextret.net).Married to Maria Teresa, they have 2 children.

  • Jordi Serra Molgó Jordi Serra Molgó  (Cardedeu, Barcelona [Spain], 1982) Programming www.evangeli.net

    Counseling in web and graphic design. Technician for computing applications development and specialist in graphic design for internet. At present living in Cardedeu where he runs his own company, artifecs.com.

  • Eng.Jose Villalba Eng. Jose Villalba  (Asunción  [Paraguay], 1979) Software Developer

    Lincesed in Computer Engineering at the UCSA of Paraguay (University of the Southern Cone of the Americas. Lives in Madrid (Spain) and works in computers as Software Developer.

  • Mr.José Luis  Ojeda Dorado Mr. José Luis Ojeda Dorado  (Sevilla [Spain], 1951) Assistant of www.evangeli.net and webmaster of www.mim-euroeditors.com (M&M Euroeditors web)

    He has carried out studies of topography, activity which his own company is devoted to, in addition to urban promotions. For ten years he was a professor of Family Counselling at the FERT. Married with Pepita; they have one son and two grand sons.

06. Contemplar l’Evangeli d’avui

  • Joaquim Carreras i Parera Joaquim Carreras i Parera  (Terrassa, Barcelona [Spain], 1973) Coordination of Contemplar l’Evangeli d’avui

    Graduate in Philology by UAB (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona) and Master by UIC (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona). Primary and secondary school teacher. Married to Irene, they have 6 children.

  • Fr.Josep Mª Massana i Mola OFM Fr. Josep Mª Massana i Mola OFM  (Oliola, Lleida [Spain], 1938) Translation and Orthographical and philological supervision in Catalan-Spanish-German

    Graduate in German Philology (University of Barcelona) and graduate in Philosophy and Theology. He has been working for some 30 years in African missions (Burundi, Malawi and Kenya). He was ordained priest in 1962.

08. Méditons l’Évangile d’aujourd’hui

  • Mrs.Béatrice Pourquier Mrs. Béatrice Pourquier  (1967) French edition Coordinator

    Completed a Secretariat BTS in French-Spanish-English. At present working as an Assistant in a lawyer’s office.

  • Mr.Michel A.  Gervais Mr. Michel A. Gervais  (Montreal [Canada], 1963) Translation

    He studied Business Administration. Currently works in the Power Industry. He’s been Director of several companies such as the Chile-China Chamber of Commerce and a scallop farm in northern Chile. He spends his leisure moments to translate books and teach French and English. He loves sports as well as reading and practicing tourism. He is married to Queenie and has 2 children (Martin and Nicolas). He resides in Santiago, Chile.

  • MrsPascale  Améduri Mrs Pascale Améduri  (Sevilla [Spain]) Translation

    Officer of the French Ministry of Education. French teacher in secondary education in a private center. Degree and Dissertation in Spanish Philology at the University of Toulouse le Mirail (France) and Training for French Teaching to foreigners. She is married to Jose Francisco with two kids. She belongs to the Teams of Our Lady.

  • Mrs.Ines Carbonell Segales Mrs. Ines Carbonell Segales  (Poitiers [France], 1987) Translation

    Young graduate in Geopolitics (Science Po Aix-en-Provence and Banking (Université Paris V René Descartes), she has worked in the banking field and think tanks. Married and mother of two children, she currently spends most of her leisure time reading and translating for institutions and editors.

09. Meditando o Evangelho de Hoje

  • MrsMaria da Luz Faria Mrs Maria da Luz Faria  (Lisboa [Portugal], 1945) Coordination

    Graduate in German Philology by the University of Lisbon. She has worked for some 40 years as an assistant to various CEO´s in a German industrial company. Single, 10 nephews.

  • MrsVanilce Insfrán Sampaio Mrs Vanilce Insfrán Sampaio  (Recife, Pernambuco [Brazil], 1957) Translation

    Graduate in Law. She has carried out studies in programming, internet, Italian, Spanish and English. Has worked as a translator and interpreter since 1987. Professor of Portuguese Language for foreigners at the Universidad de Costa Rica. Married to Carlos Enrique, they have 3 children.

  • MrsMaria João  Silva Santos Mrs Maria João Silva Santos  (Lisboa [Portugal], 1964) Translation

    Graduate in Marketing and Advertising, she has developed her professional activity in a company of the advertising area. Married, she has seven children (one already in Heaven).

  • MsSusana Beatriz  Caldas Ms Susana Beatriz Caldas  (Asunción  [Paraguay], 1960) Translation

    Graduate in Data Processing Technology by PUC Rio de Janeiro. Studies in Diplomacy. Works for the State Foreign Affairs of Paraguay in foreign countries. Married to Julio, they have two children.

10. Contemplare il Vangelo di Oggi

  • Mr.Luigi Bugalla Font Mr. Luigi Bugalla Font  (Moncalieri, Torino [Italy], 1964) Coordination of Contemplare il Vangelo di Oggi

    AVANTI's Owner, consulting firm specialized in fundraising for large projects in the social and cultural area. He complements his activity as a lecturer and coach for improvement in communication techniques and NLP. He is a member of the board of TAC: Association for improving the content of TV, Internet, video games, led the world of children. He is married to Celia.

  • MrsClaudia Barrientos de Perez Mrs Claudia Barrientos de Perez  (Guatemala [Guatemala]) Translation

    Honorary Consul of the Republic of Guatemala in Italy, Married. Five children.

11. Rozważanie Ewangelii na dziś

  • MsAneta Więch Ms Aneta Więch  (Warszawa [Poland], 1968) Coordination of Rozważanie Ewangelii na dziś

    A Graduate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Warsaw. Married to Carlos Marrodán Casas, three daughters, Karolina, Klara and Aniela. Since 1995 she has worked in the Cervantes Institute in Warsaw.

  • MrCarlos Marrodán Casas Mr Carlos Marrodán Casas  (Toulouse [France], 1948) Translation

    Since 1951 he resides in Warsaw. A Graduate in Polish Philology from the University of Warsaw. Translator of Spanish and Latin American literature (Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Octavio Paz, Javier Marías, Antonio Buero Vallejo, Carlos Ruiz Zafón) among others.

  • MsAgnieszka Okular Ms Agnieszka Okular  (Kraków [Poland], 1979) Translation

    Graduated in Corporate Finance from the University of Economics in Krakow and Postgraduate in Business Intelligence from the UOC. She works as Project Coordinator. She married to Toni, a daughter Alicja.

12. Betrachtung des heutigen Evangeliums

  • Mr.Richard Kornmayer Mr. Richard Kornmayer  (Hechingen-Schlatt [Germany], 1958) Translation

    Resident in Catalonia since 1985, with a high school degree in Journalism, Philosophy and German Literature. Married with two sons. Collaborates with great enthusiasm with evangeli.net since 2021.

13. Today’s Gospel for the family

  • Francesc Badia Francesc Badia  (Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona [Spain], 1985) Illustrator

    Degree in audiovisual communication and master in animation. He works as a freelance illustrator and cameraman at Montserrat Abbey.

  • Fr.Lluís Raventós Artés Fr. Lluís Raventós Artés  (Raimat (Lleida) [Spain], 1933) Illustrator

  • Pili Piñero Pili Piñero  (Buenos Aires [Argentina], 1984) Illustrator

  • Fr.Miguel Rodríguez Ugalde (Miroug) Fr. Miguel Rodríguez Ugalde (Miroug)  (.. [Spain]) Illustrator

  • Pau Morales Pau Morales  (Girona [Spain]) Illustrator

Past Collaborators

  • Mrs.Vickie  Teetor Mrs. Vickie Teetor  (New York [United States], 1958) Audio version of Contemplating today’s Gospel

    Graduate in the History of Art by the University of Boston. Married to José Miguel, they have 9 children. Housewife and coordinator of the English version of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya’s graduate program: Marriage and Family Education.

  • Mr.Ramón  Cladellas i Miralles Mr. Ramón Cladellas i Miralles  (Barcelona [Spain], 1973) Off line promotion of Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy. Cooperating in the coordination of the Audio version

    He has followed courses in Engineering. Has worked as an engineer in a computer company. Working at present as technical director of an industrial firm.

  • MrsMª Dolores Alcayne Mrs Mª Dolores Alcayne  (Barcelona [Spain], 1947) Translation of the French version of Méditons l’Évangile d’aujourd’hui

    She is graduated in Teaching with 35 years of practice, primarily teaching French and Spanish literature. Currently studying theology, belongs to the Cistercian brotherhood, she teaches catechism and training immigrants.

  • Ms.Rosa Gochez Ms. Rosa Gochez  (Villennes sur Seine [France]) Translation

    She has carried out studies in History of Art. She has a daughter. At present, she is working at a lawyers bureau in Paris.

  • Prof.Alain Sériaux Prof. Alain Sériaux  (Marsella [France], 1954) Translation and philological supervision of the French version of Méditons l'Évangile d'aujourd'hui

    Doctor in Private Law by the University of Aix-en-Provence. Married with Carmen Mª, they have six sons. At present he is Professor of Private Law at the University of Perpignan (France).

  • Mr.Carlos Leret Castillo Mr. Carlos Leret Castillo  (San Salvador [El Salvador], 1955) Delegate of evangeli.net in Central America

    Graduate in Texas Tech USA (Administration of Animal Husbandry and Seed and Grain Processing Companies) and in Barneveld College Holland (Farm Animal Raising and Animal Fodder). Married to María Nicolina, they have 3 daughters. Lay person engaged in the spreading of the Gospel, he undertook several apostolic missions in the areas of young people’s evangelization, the needy and catholic media.

  • Mr.Pedro Iglesias Martínez Mr. Pedro Iglesias Martínez  (Santander [Spain], 1952) On line promotion. Webmail.

    Permanent Deacon of the Diocese of Terrassa (Barcelona, Spain). Administrative, commercial and computing training and qualifications. He is presently working in commercial and administrative areas of responsibility in the business industry. After having completed the corresponding ecclesiastical studies, in 1997, he received the deaconry.

  • + Mr.Claudi Rey i García + Mr. Claudi Rey i García  (Barcelona [Spain], 1926) Translation into English and French and on line promotion of Contemplating today’s Gospel

    Graduate in Economics (University of Barcelona). Married with Elvira, they have four sons and seven grand-sons. He has managed the international trade areas of several multinational corporations.

  • Empar Grau i Salmerón Empar Grau i Salmerón  (Barcelona [Spain], 1946) On line Promotion. Answering to the questions put forward by users of the site

    Graduate in Nursing. Cooperates with the Sant Esteve de Ripollet Parish (Caritas Department, Health Pastoral, etc). Widow, 4 children and 2 grandchildren.

  • + Mr.Marius Falcon + Mr. Marius Falcon  (Barcelona [Spain], 1933) Philological and orthographical review of the Catalan (Contemplar l'Evangeli d'avui) and Spanish (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy) versions

    Graduate in Law (University of Barcelona) and Doctor in Law (University of Navarra). He exercised the advocacy. He passed away Christianly on the 16th of April, 2005.

  • MrsNuria Recasens i Garola Mrs Nuria Recasens i Garola  (Tarragona [Spain], 1968) Secretariat and Administrative Department of evangeli.net. Recording of the audio version and philological revision of Contemplating today's Gospel

    Graduate in English-German Philology (Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona). Married to Paul, they have 4 children. At present is the management assistant in Intercom Group.

  • Josep Mª Moré i Boadella Josep Mª Moré i Boadella  (Girona [Spain], 1964) Reporting: Information and Statistics

    Graduate in Business and Economics (UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Master in Business Administration (MBA), IESE of Barcelona; Doctorate Program, Investigation Sufficiency (UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).Professor in the financial area of IESE. Programs of Directed Development. Married to Teia, they have 4 children.

  • Nicolás Alfín Martín-Gamero Nicolás Alfín Martín-Gamero  (Madrid [Spain], 1976) International Promotion and linking.

    Graduate in Law by UB (University of Barcelona). Journalism by UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and Master in Business Administration (MBA) by IESE (Barcelona). At present CEO of Solostocks Internacional (project of Intercom Group).

  • + Mr.Luis Siman + Mr. Luis Siman  (El Salvador [El Salvador], 1938) Delegate of evangeli.net in North America

    In the business of paper exportation and president of Florida Center for Peace, apostolic movement of Miami Archidiocese. Married to Adele, they have 7 children and 19 grandchildren.

  • + Ms.Mª del Carmen Miralles i Zanón + Ms. Mª del Carmen Miralles i Zanón  (Terrassa, Barcelona [Spain], 1944) Recording of the Audio version of Contemplar l’Evangeli d’avui

    Married to Fernando, with eleven sons and five grand sons. In addition to her housework, she is also worked in the commercial department of a bookshop and stationery company.

  • Mr.Jordi Molas i Verdaguer Mr. Jordi Molas i Verdaguer  (El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona [Spain], 1967) Internet consulting and design of www.evangeli.net

    Bachelor in Sciences of the Information (University of Navarra). He started his professional career as a documentary producer. Later on, he worked at the Intercom Group. At present, he is associated with www.naranjus.com Group (Internet Consulting Company). Married with Marta; they have seven sons.

  • Mr.Paul Macmanus Mr. Paul Macmanus  (Dublín [Ireland], 1967) Recording of the audio version of Contemplating today’s Gospel

    Graduate in Philosophy and Politics by the University College Dublin, he also has the Higher. Diploma in Education and Teaching by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Married to Núria, they have 4 children. Primary School Teacher, in the area of English language. Amateur photographer.

  • MrsPatricia Belo Gutiérrez Mrs Patricia Belo Gutiérrez  (Montevideo [Uruguay], 1963) Coordination

    Official Portuguese Translator (Universidad de la República). Administrative Accountable Aux. Certificate, UTU. Since 1990 she has developed her professional activity in responsibility areas in management and sales in several companies. Married, she has 3 children.

  • Mr.Diamantino Costa Mr. Diamantino Costa  (Trofa [Portugal], 1971) Translation

    Accountant and Insurances Mediator. Works as an Official Auditor and Mediator Insurance in his own business. Cathecist of adults, Extraordinary Minister of Communion and Lector. Married to Rosário, they have 3 children.

  • SisterRita Maria  Valente, osc Sister Rita Maria Valente, osc  (Viseu [Portugal], 1968) Translation

    She has carried out studies in the area of Social Education. At present she is following her studies of Religion Sciences in Barcelona. Clarissa belonging to the Ordem das Irmãs Pobres de Santa Clara, in Girona, Spain.

  • MrsMaria Fernanda  Gambandé Mrs Maria Fernanda Gambandé  (Rosario [Argentina], 1979) Translation

    She is finishing her studies of Portuguese Professorate in the Humanities and Arts School, Married to Juan Pablo, they have a daughter.

  • Mr.Joan Tarrés Mr. Joan Tarrés  (Barcelona [Spain], 1958) On line Promotion (2010)

    Economist and 90 PDD IESE (Barcelona). He has worked in areas of Advertising, Foreign Banking, IT and textiles. He is a business consultant freelance since 1991. He has been a colaborator at the ICWF of the IESE. Passionate about human anthropology.

  • MrsMa. Ximena Villagrán Olmos Mrs Ma. Ximena Villagrán Olmos  (Córdoba [Argentina], 1981) Translation

    Real Estate Agent by the Universidade Nacional de Loma (Zamora), in which area she is active at the present. Radio Maria Argentina Volunteer in the “Call centre” area. She has studied Portuguese for 4 years at the Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. She is at present preparing the Celpe-Bras examination (Portuguese International Language Diploma).

  • MrsTeresa Plana Mrs Teresa Plana  (Lleida [Spain], 1958) On line promotion. Webmail.

    Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona. Diploma for Advanced Studies in Educational Sciences (University of Lleida). She is professor and teaches at Institute for Vocational Training. She is married with Carlos and have a daughter and three sons.

  • MademoiselleCamille Gochez Mademoiselle Camille Gochez  (Villennes sur Seine [France], 1988) Translation of the French version of Méditons l'Évangile d'aujourd'hui and, also, eventually, translation of the English version of Contemplating today's Gospel

    She is following her studies of International Trade at the ESCE, in Paris.

  • Mr.Antonio Tessitore Ciardiello Mr. Antonio Tessitore Ciardiello  (Fuorigrotta [Italy]) Translation

    He migrated to Guadalajara [Mexico]in 1972. He studied Philosophy and Pedagogy in Italy and Mexico. He is engaged in pro-family and youth ministry. He is teacher of philosophy at the UAG and for three decades has led language courses at the Instituto Mexico-Italian, Dante Institute and State University of Guadalajara. Married to Mrs. Rosa Elba with whom he has two children and five grandchildren.

  • MrsJorgelina Mª Enz Mrs Jorgelina Mª Enz  (Rosario [Argentina], 1962) Translation

    Auditor. Professor of Italian and Spanish as a Foreign Language. Married, four children.

  • Mr.Massimo Villani Mr. Massimo Villani  (Venezuela [Venezuela], 1960) Translation

    Architect-businessman and councilman. Active member of the MCC Workshop Movement Christianity, Mission Coordinator for Continental Diocesi Nueva Esparta State (Venezuela), Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan Council of Laity for the Diocese of Nueva Esparta State (Venezuela), Vice Director of the Pastoral Care Diocesi Families for the State of Nueva Esparta (Venezuela). He is married to Belkis and father of two children.

  • Fr.Matteo Sanavio Fr. Matteo Sanavio  (Conselve, Padova [Italy], 1974) Translation

    Praying the Heart of Jesus. Degree in Youth Ministry and Catechetics at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome. He was ordained priest in 2002 at Frascati (Rome), he exercised his priestly ministry in Tarragona for eight years until late 2010. He currently lives in Rome, and he is General counselor of his congregation.

  • + Mr.Giorgio Chevallard Ribas + Mr. Giorgio Chevallard Ribas  (Milano [Italy], 1950) Translation

    Italian, married to Rosa Navarro (Spanish), lived in Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona), had 7 children and 16 grandchildren. Son of an Italian father and a Catalan mother. Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Milan (1974) and the ETSEIB of Barcelona (1985). Retired since 2016. Collaborated with the Pontifical Foundation 'Aid to the Church in Need' as a delegate for the diocese of Terrassa. He was secretary and volunteer at the 'Center for Family Guidance' (COF) of the diocese of Terrassa (Diocesan Family Counseling Center). Within COF, he also participated in the diocesan group for the Emotional and Sexual Education of young people and in the 'Raquel Project,' which helps individuals overcome Post-Abortion Syndrome.

  • Mr.Yago Llaquet de Entrambasaguas Mr. Yago Llaquet de Entrambasaguas  (Barcelona [Spain], 1971) People

    Graduate in Business Admistration (UB, Barcelona University); Executive MBA, ESADE Business School. He has executive experience in multinationals and national companies. Actually he works at Grupo Intercom. Married to Margarita, with 5 children.

  • Mr.Óscar Ribas Fuentes Mr. Óscar Ribas Fuentes  (Ibiza, Islas Baleares [Spain], 1977) Internet consultant and on-line promotion

    At present, studying Philosophy and Letters at the University of Barcelona. Founder and first CEO of MailxMail (leader on line training studies). At present he works at Intercom Group in artelista.com (website leader in the world of art).

  • Mr.Jordi Picazo Mr. Jordi Picazo  (Mataró [Spain], 1962) Translation

    A Graduate in English Language and Literature from the University of Barcelona, he lived and worked in London from 1990 to 1994 where he also pursued ongoing Doctorate studies at the University of London. He teaches English on Skype as a professional job. He lives in Mataró, by the sea, 30 km North from Barcelona. Father of Oriol and Marta.

  • + Mr.Josep Lluís Martínez i Picañol (Picanyol) + Mr. Josep Lluís Martínez i Picañol (Picanyol)  (Moià [Spain], 1948) Illustrator

  • Ms Judith Reynolds Ms Judith Reynolds  (Valencia [Spain]) Audio of Contemplating today’s Gospel

    I am English, but have been living in the wonderful city of Valencia since 2017. I am single and am trying to live my life and faith to the best of my abilities. I am a convert from Anglicanism since 1975. Anyone passing this way please get in touch so I can show you around Valencia.

  • MsRuth Capella  Neigut Ms Ruth Capella Neigut  (Boston [United States], 1978) Audio of Contemplating today’s Gospel

    Logopeda; Speech Pathologist; Private Practice; Degrees from University of Central Florida, USA, Certificates in Religious Studies.

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