Dear friend:
During Easter and the first days of Easter, EVIL has strongly shaken our world (terrorism, persecutions, frauds...). Submerged in this contrast of sensations - pain and hope - and having in mind the Passion and Resurrection of Christ, we wonder: is it possible to remove all evil from the world?
God seems to tell us: no, but yes! And as the reply is not simple, we answer it in three steps:
1º) Evil is a mystery (cf. our Master Service “Evil: why does it exist if God is the Infinite Good?”).
2º) No! The historical fact is that Jesus Christ, although miraculously cured diseases and other ills, He did not eliminate the evil of the world. Even more so: «The poor you will always have with you» (Mt 26.11) and “the weeds will grow together with the wheat till the end of time” (cf. Mt 13: 24-52). But if this is so, then, what did Jesus bring? Benedict XVI answers: «Jesus has brought God». And, in fact, God’s deficit, the deficit of Good is the main evil of the world (cf. “The sin is the profound cause of all evil”)
And if this were not enough, there is a relationship between ”The drowsiness of the disciples and the power of the Evil One”.
3º) But yes! Jesus Christ’s answer is original and singular: it proposes to overpower evil. How? By taking advantage of evil and assuming it as "a background to love". It is for this reason that God does not demonstrate His love to us from a Palace or a royal carriage, but by forgiving us from the Cross. From there - from the Calvary - Jesus transforms violence into peace, injustice into justice, hate into love and evil into good. The key to this transformation is in forgiveness, in His Mercy.
Unfortunately, our moral myopia prevents us to assess the greatness of this approach. But let us not doubt it: “God’s greatest power: to forgive sins”.
From the evangeli.net team, we renew our desire for a Happy Resurrection Easter.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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