Dear friend: Good news in this Holy Week! We already have online the new service evangeli·net·Subjects (visible in the menu of our website): you will find there all the comments about "Jesus in the Mysteries of the Rosary" that we have been editing during the last months. What is evangeli·net·Subjects? • Series of texts (organized in chapters each with a brief commentary) addressing some aspect of our faith. We have begun with the mentioned subject ("Jesus in the Mysteries of the Rosary"), other thematic series will be added in the future (we are already preparing a "Brief History of the Church" for instance). • Each new chapter is announced through a newsletter (sent by e-mail and, at the same time, published at the top of our website). • These commentaries (structured in chapters) begin with a biblical quote (mostly drawn from the Gospel), accompanied by a small explanation. The Gospel commented it’s been our thing since the beginning. • Each chapter has links that lead to some of our commentaries of "Contemplate the Gospel of today" or "Master·evangeli·net" as an optional extension. • We have worked so that each link is shown with a description that announces its content. We will announce soon the publication of the 4th and 5th chapters of the Sorrowful Mysteries: “The Carrying of the Cross” and "The death of Christ on the Cross". We wish that this first series of evangeli·net·Subjects can be a good help in this Holy Week. Greetings form the Team. |
"Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation)
"Master·" (Gospel + theology)
"Today’s Gospel for the family" (Gospel + image + catechesis)
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