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Contemplating today's Gospel

Today's Gospel + homily (in 300 words)

August 28th: Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
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Gospel text (Mt 23,8-12): Jesus said to his disciples: «You, do not let yourselves be called Master because you have only one Master, and all of you are brothers and sisters. Neither should you call anyone on earth Father, because you have only one Father, he who is in heaven. Nor should you be called leader, because Christ is the only leader for you. Let the greatest among you be the servant of all. For whoever makes himself great shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be made great».

«Let the greatest among you be the servant of all»

Mons. José Ignacio ALEMANY Grau, Emeritus Bishop of Chachapoyas (Chachapoyas, Peru)

Today, as always, we humans are hunting around for titles, longing for being somebody in the middle of this jungle of trainings. Jesus counters this view by explaining how Christians must train to get the most important titles and grow to be specialized in the Kingdom of God.

"You have one Father, and He is in Heaven" (Mt 23:9) and we must learn from Him to become small family parents at home. Benedict XVI reminds us: «Only those who are attracted by God the Father, who listen and allow to be instructed by Him, can believe in Jesus, encounter Him and nourish themselves of him». Only by living a sincere affiliation like Jesus did, we shall be entitled to be nominated as parents, always with the lower case of humility.

For the title of director we must allow to be taught and guided by Christ "for one is your Master, Christ", and thus steer the younger brothers. Again, Pope Benedict gives you the secret: «When you are conquered by the fire of His look, no sacrifice seems too great to follow Him and to give Him the best of».

Finally, to acquire the title of master and teach others, we must become small and learn from the unique teacher who is Christ, "meek and humble". The only condition, therefore, for all these titles is true humility because 'For those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted' (Mt 23:12).

At any rate, the maximum doctorate is obtained when specializing in serving for love, as the Master did, because "the greatest among you will be your servant" (Mt 23:11). St. Augustine teaches us: "The humbler, the bigger".

All these titles were merited by this Holy Doctor, St. Augustine, whom we celebrate today. We can certainly use this recommendation that he gives us to achieve them: «to reach the heights, you need a ladder. To reach the height of greatness, use the ladder of humility".


March 25th
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Gospel and commentary video