Dear friend: " Subjects" has already addressed some aspects of the life of Jesus Christ in the first two Mysteries of Light: . “The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River” (read here). . “Christ's Self Revelation at the weddings of Cana” (read here).
The 3rd Mystery of Light is the "Announcement of the kingdom of God and the invitation to conversion". This is the Mystery that covers a longer period of time in the Lord's life: about three years! (we will explain it in 2 parts) (read more). This is a stage in the History of Salvation that is very rich in content, and crucial in terms of Revelation. The focus of attention falls directly on Christ; the presence of the Virgin Mary is rather "latent" (She will appear again explicitly on the Calvary). 1st) “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors (…). In these last days, he spoke to us through a son” (Heb 1, 1-2). The Revelation reaches its "maximum" intensity: "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman ..." (Gal 4, 4). It is a "plenitude" that surpasses all human expectations! With good reason, in the Transfiguration, after accrediting his Son ("This is my Son, the Beloved"), the Father commanded us: "Listen to him" (Mt 17, 5). May our prayer be a true "listen"! (Importance of meditating on the Gospel: read more). 2nd) "Jesus did and taught" (Acts 1, 1). The teaching of Jesus soon aroused admiration among modest people; people noticed in him something special: "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes" (Mc 1,22) (read more). In fact, on occasion Jesus Christ had no choice but to discredit the scribes “for they preach but they do not practice" (Mt 23,3). One day (it was Saturday!), Jesus healed a stooped woman and, before the astonishment of those present, the synagogue leader started to tell off the poor people: "There are six days when work should be done. Come on those days to be cured, not on the sabbath day." (Lk 13,14) ... In short, without labors of love preaching is useless (read more). 3rd) "A prophet mighty in deed and word" (Lk 24,19): in this way Cleopas reminded Jesus as he walked nostalgically on the road to Emmaus on the morning of the resurrection. A few weeks later, Simon Peter presented him in this way to the people of Jerusalem: "A man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs" (Acts 2, 22). In his "work" Christ showed a mastery over matter, time and the spirits that only God possesses. There are many examples: from the conversion of water into wine, the multiplication of loaves and fishes, to his walking on the water; cures from afar; he expelled evil spirits and returned the dead to life (even when he was decomposing, as was the case of Lazarus); not only read the thoughts of others but knew their lives (Nathanael, the Samaritan woman) ... Only Jesus can tell us: "I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mt 28, 20). This is our hope and our comfort! The Kingdom of God is already among us ... (read more). (Joy for the presence of God among us: read more).
Fr. Antoni Carol i Hostench (General Coordinator of |
"Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation)
"Master·" (Gospel + theology)
"Today’s Gospel for the family" (Gospel + image + catechesis)
January 5th
The Epiphany of the Lord
Gospel and commentary video