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Dear friend,

The Incarnation of the eternal Son of God - Second Person of the Blessed Trinity - has brought the salvation to us and, with it, an unheard knowledge of the intimacy with God. "Unheard" means that "it has never been heard", i.e., that this fact is unprecedented in the history of mankind. We had never known so much about God! (read more)

We are faced with an "excess of Revelation", because God has not opened his heart according to the measure of what we could understand or correspond. No! He actually told us even more than we could capture. This is not a drawback, but quite the opposite: with humility, we can glimpse God’s greatness and generosity. In the "I do not see", we can "see even more"! God is just like that! It is limitless Love and He gives himself to us without any limits: at the Cross, in the Eucharist, in the Word...

«I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into the truth"(Jn 16: 12-13): When the day of Pentecost had fully come this word was fulfilled. «They were all together - praying - in one place and suddenly there came violently - solemnly - the Holy Spirit» (cf. acts 2:1-2). The fruits of the arrival of the Holy Spirit are historical evidence: that very day, some three thousand people received baptism... and today - everyday, today - many more. The Holy Spirit "works" hard and very discreetly! (read more).

But, who is, how is the Holy Spirit? In the words of John Paul II, «it can be said that, in His intimate life, God "is love": personal love is the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of the Father and the Son». The love between the father and the son is so large (infinite) that this same love is a person's divine range: infinite Love (read more).

The Holy Spirit remains as the "hidden God", though not "unknown" for whoever is talking to Him: «The Holy Spirit is not supported by the vision of a divine Person living among us in  human form, but only by the observation of the effects of His presence and operation in us and in the world» (John Paul II). Divine love acts so deeply that, if we are compliant to its gust, it caresses and configures the thoughts and acts of our will, to the extent of becoming the "soul of my life" (read more). He can be the Great friend and my life Grand innermost, sent as the Love of the Father and the Son. Cannot ask for anything more!

Fr. Antoni Carol i Hostench

(Coordinator general of evangeli.net)



evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)




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