The peace that Humanity so much yearns for demands the «development of the whole man and of all men» (Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 18). There are two ways to achieve this precept. For THE WHOLE MAN: the Gospel; for ALL MEN: the Internet. Our service tries to bring together these two aspects, putting the Internet to the Service of the Gospel.
We have reached the astounding number of 90.000 subscriptions and are getting ready for 100.000 (click here if you cannot see the graph):
As soon as we reach 100.000 subscriptions, we will inform Pope Benedict (we are already preparing the communication). We are convinced that such a piece of news will bring great joy to his fatherly heart, as it would to any good father concerned about the good his children.
This, however, is only be the beginning. The world is populated by thousands of millions of human beings: in communion with the Church and together with many other efficient Christian services for the diffusion of the Gospel, we intend to reach all men. We count on your “complicity”.
Warm regards from the team.
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* Should you wish to SUBSCRIBE (to receive the daily Gospel, with a short commentary), click here and follow the instructions: it is very easy!
* Should you wish to SUBSCRIBE A FRIEND, click here and follow the instructions: it is very easy, too. Your friend will only receive a communication asking for his/her confirmation to complete the SUBSCRIPTION.

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