From, we wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! And we must add a note of joy to this greeting: the Portuguese edition of (Meditando o evangelho de hoje) has reached and exceeded the 1.000 first subscriptions. They have grown faster than any other edition (only 7 months):
For the first time, today, we are publishing our comment to the daily Gospel originally written in Portuguese. The author is F. Luis Peralta Hidalgo SDB, from Lisbon (Portugal). To see it, click here. In the coming months we hope to be able to edit more written comments from Brazil, Portugal and other countries speaking Portuguese.
We appreciate your attention and thank you. The Editing Team.
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* Should you wish to SUBSCRIBE A FRIEND, click here and follow the instructions: it is very easy, too. Your friend will only receive a communication asking for his/her confirmation to complete the SUBSCRIPTION.

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