The Pope's recent message has touched our heart: «Priests stand at the threshold of a new era (…). Priests are thus challenged to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest generation of audiovisual resources (blogs, websites…).
»In this way the Word can traverse the many crossroads created by the intersection of all the different “highways” that form “cyberspace”, and show that God has his rightful place in every age, including our own» (Benedict XVI, World Communications Day 2010).
In the next few weeks, will gather new comments from:
* Campeche, MEXICO (Pbro. Luis Alfonso Gala Rodríguez) (Ash Wednesday)
* Merlo, ARGENTINA (Pbro. Gerardo Gómez)
* Brownsville, USA (Fr. Eusebio Martinez)
* Colonia, GERMANY (Dr. Johannes Vilar)
* Mumbai, INDIA (Fr. Austin Norris)
Still within the Priestly Year of the Church, we request prayers for all the priests of the world and, especially for the more than 200 belonging to our Editorial.
With thanks, greets you the Team of
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