We are extremely happy because the Holy Father Benedict XVI has promoted to the episcopal dignity one of the priests of the Evangeli.net Writing Team. In fact, Rev. (now Msgr.) Salvador Cristau i Coll was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Terrassa (Barcelona). Click here to see his photograph and more information on his nomination.
In the picture, Msgr. Cristau can be seen next to Msgr. Josep Àngel Saiz i Meneses, Bishop of Terrassa. Msgr. Saiz was the first Bishop who accepted writing commentaries for our service. We are highly satisfied to be able to say that evangeli.net was born and is actually coordinated from the territory of the young diocese of Terrassa.
The ceremony of episcopal consecration will be on June 26th at the Catedral Basílica del Sant Esperit de Terrassa (Cathedral-Basilica of the Holy Spirit of Terrassa). Our prayers will be there with him, as well as our affection. Thank you Msgr. Saiz! Congratulations Msgr. Cristau!
The Evangeli.net Team
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