Today, has reached 140.000 subscriptions: we wish to share with you our joy. We are close to make our dream come true: to be able to send weekly ONE MILLION mails, with the Gospel duly explained. God willing, we shall attain this figure by next October 15, when the subscriptions should arrive at 142.857. We shall let you know.
To be highlighted the good job the Portuguese editing team is accomplishing with Meditando o Evangelho de hoje, the distribution of which is undergoing an exponential rate:
We are also looking forward to receiving from the Holy See their advice as to the best way to let Benedict XVI know about this digital circulation of the Gospel.
Once again, we wish to show our gratitude towards all our own users: you happen to be the main stimulus and impulse of this evangelization!
The team
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* Should you wish to SUBSCRIBE (to receive the daily Gospel, with a short commentary), click here and follow the instructions: it is very easy!
* Should you wish to SUBSCRIBE A FRIEND, click here and follow the instructions: it is very easy, too. Your friend will only receive a communication asking for his/her confirmation to complete the SUBSCRIPTION.

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