Dear friend:
Today begins the "Year of the Faith". «Today as in the past —wrote Benedict XVI— Jesus sends us through the highways of the world to proclaim His Gospel to all the peoples of the Earth (...). Reflection on the faith will have to be intensified, so as to help all believers in Christ to acquire a more conscious and vigorous adherence to the Gospel» ("Porta fidei", 7-8).
From Contemplating today’s Gospel, thanks God, OUR DIFUSSION on line of the commented Gospel is reaching some levels inconceivable only a few years ago: 216,000 e-mail subscriptions; more than 10,000 daily visits to the website from 181 countries; 4,500 direct supporters by Facebook, more than one thousand through Twitter... plus a host of references, links, etc.
In addition, Master·evangeli.net offers some 500 brief comments for a theological reflection of the Gospel of the day. The TABLE OF CONTENTS and the SEARCH ENGINE allows us to directly choose each theological theme.
Throughout the "Year of the Faith" we will keep on expanding our contribution by incorporating new comments written by priests from the most varied origin, new doctrinal subjects, and in more languages (German and Polish). We want evangeli.net to be a useful tool for you for the dissemination of the Gospel and reflection on the Faith.
We are grateful for your prayers,
The evangeli.net Team
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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