Dear friend,
As user of evangeli.net you are well aware of the benefits gained by reading and meditating on the Gospel and the dissemination of the Word of God all over the world. If you wish to contribute your bit by collaborating with evangeli.net, we are suggesting here three ways whereby you could join and help us:
Prayers: You can cooperate by praying for us or by evangelizing through evangeli.net. Just forward this service to your friends and family or subscribe whoever you think would like to directly receive our service by clicking here.
Voluntary help: If you can benefit of one hour a week to collaborate with us, fill in this form and have it sent to secretaria@evangeli.net. You will be part of our large candidate database.
Voluntary money: If you want to contribute with a micro-endowment of €1 per month to cover a portion of our technical expenses, you can do so through the Teamingevangeli.net Group by clicking here.
evangeli.net has chosen Teaming as a platform for micro-donations because it is a website for donations limited to 1€ monthly, without any commission.
Our website also has a section for specific major donations.
We thank you for your attention.
Greetings from the evangeli.net Team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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