Dear friend:
Today, Ash Wednesday, we begin the “Lent pilgrimage” wishing to go along with Jesus Christ on His way up to Jerusalem. By the hand of Benedict XVI we would like to anticipate the explanation of some issues appropriate for this holy liturgical season:
Ash Wednesday: the beginning of the Lenten season (also in this link: Almsgiving; Fasting)
The announcement of the Gospel consists in the offering of God’s grace to the sinner
The Mercy of God is not a "cheap grace"
We will not find God without forgiveness
The Transfiguration and the mystery of the Cross
Christ’s "vicarious suffering"
Throughout the option Table of Contents you can find more explanations about topics Lent themes.
Thank you for your attention. Greetings from the evangeli.net Team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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