Dear friend:
Next Sunday (II in Ordinary Time) at Mass we’ll listen to one of the most beautiful pages of the New Testament: The Wedding at Cana. In 2006 Benedict XVI gave a remarkable homily on this passage. Our Master·evangeli.net service has created 5 commentaries developed from the Pope’s words. Those are the themes:
Mary's prayer
Mary represents the new woman, our Mother
The “yes” of the Son and the “yes” of Mary become a single “yes”
Jesus transforms the human wedding-feast into an image of the divine wedding-feast (a marriage between God and man)
Jesus' hour is the Cross; his definitive hour will be his return at the end of time
You can access these Master services right now clicking here.
Thank you for your attention. Greetings from the evangeli.net Team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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