Dear friend:
It was in 1985 when John Paul II promoted the WYD... Pope Francis, recently paraphrased some words from the blessed Pope John Paul II (year 2000): «We need saints who wear jeans and sneakers. We need saints who have time everyday to pray and who know how to date in purity and chastity, or who consecrate their chastity. We need modern saints, Saints of the 21st century with a spirituality that is part of our time. We need saints who drink Coke and eat hot dogs, who are Internet-savvy, who listen to iPods."
evangeli.net was born 10 years ago. It was the dawn of the 21st century. Now it happens what had never happened before: the Gospel commented online can go along with you everywhere, with your smartphone, your PC, through your tablet... More than ever before, God is, now within reach of all hearts. Please, do tell all your frends!
The evangeli.net team
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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