Dear friend:
The “afterlife” is the greatest enigma of human life. We shall all —believers and non-believers— be going there. What is to be found there, in the afterlife? Our Christian faith has its answers, backed by Jesus’ words and by his own life (His own Resurrection being fundamental). We offer you in advance some Master themes on Christian eschatology:
The horizon of eternity and our responsibility over time
Eternal life, the "unknown known reality"
Not everything ends with death: God’s Judgment
The prospect of the Judgment while living the "present"
The "Final Judgment ": grace and justice
The Judgment as a place for practicing hope
Final states of man (I): "Hell"
Final states of man (II): "Heaven"
Heaven. The Sadducees’ error about Resurrection
Throughout the option Table of Contents (heading: “The resurrection of the flesh. Eschatology”) you can find additional explanations about Christian eschatology topics).
The evangeli.net Team
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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