Dear friend,
Fathers Vimal Msusai (India) and Maciej Slyz (Poland) are the most recent additions to our team of editors. The variety of this team is perhaps the most striking fact of evangeli.net:
. By number: they are 193 ordained religious (priests and bishops). Out of them, 16 are already in Heaven. To access the full list, click on EDITING TEAM
. By charismatic or spiritual diversity: secular clergy and many others belonging to the most miscellaneous religious families within the Church: Franciscans, Jesuits, Salesians, Benedictine, Cistercian, from the Institute of the Incarnate Word, legionaries of Christ, Dominicans, Diocesan personnel, etc.
. By geographical origin: from 28 different countries. You can view the world map with their places at WHERE DO THEY EDIT FROM?
For them is our gratitude and commitment to pray to God for their fidelity to the service of the Church
With all our heart, the evangeli.net team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)
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