Dear friends,
We wish to inform you that, during next year 2017, we are going to include in our mails to subscribers, newsletters, messages in social networks and whatever other forms of communication we may use with our users, an option to contribute to the upholding of evangeli.net. This is due to the increasing budget we need for the preservation of the web, the high cost of delivering our service to subscribers and the start-up of new services for the diffusion of the Gospel, such as "Today’s Gospel for the family".
We want to continue to be a website free of any advertising, and this requires setting up some system of self-funding, for which we humbly ask you for your help. In any case, evangeli.net will always continue to remain a free service.
The page for donations includes our number of bank account where transfers can be made as well as an option to contribute with varying amounts via PayPal, whether a one-time or periodically.
Access the donations page of evangeli.net here
As we equally value your donations as well as your prayers, if you cannot make any economic contribution, we ask you to please pray for us.
We thank you for your attention. Cordially,
The evangeli.net Team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation), "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology) and “Today’s Gospel for the family” (Gospel + image + catechesis)
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