Dear friends:
We are sending you the list of celebrations of saints for January:
2nd: St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and Doctors of the Church
17th: St. Anthony, the Abbot
21st: Saint Fructuosus, bishop and martyr and deacon’s martyrs Augurius and Eulogius
21st: St. Agnes, virgin and martyr
24th: St. Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor
25th: Conversion of Paul, apostle
26th: Timothy and Titus, bishops
28th: St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor
31st: St. John Bosco, priest
The publication of our commentaries for the celebration of a saint is performed as follows:
• If a saint is celebrated throughout the Church as a feast or solemnity (eg, Conversion of Paul), then the comment appears in the home of our website (or in the mail that you receive).
• If the celebration of a saint has the status of liturgical memory, then evangeli.net publishes the comment of the day according to the liturgical time of the day (Lent, Easter, …) The homily referred to the saint of the day can be accessed through the link Saints.
Through our PERPETUAL CALENDAR (Feasts and Proper of Saints) you can access any time the commentary of the celebration of the saints already registered.
We thank you for your attention. Greetings from the evangeli.net Team.
evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation), "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology) and “Today’s Gospel for the family” (Gospel + image + catechesis)
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