Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
God, the Creator
Fr. Josep Mª MASSANA i Mola OFM (Barcelona, Spain)Today, the storm rages furiously. The disciples, all experienced sailors, are afraid. Jesus, instead, is sleeping. He wakes up, rebukes the waters and quiets down the storm. Quite surprising the power of the Word that rules the Creation. The Word that calms down the storm is just the echo of God’s creative Word: “Let there be!”.
The Creation is a work of love: God Father created out of nothing by the Word, who is His Son, while the waters were fecundated by the Holy Spirit. God created to convey His Love “outside”. Our Creation is the beginning of our salvation. It has three stages: The Father’s, that goes from the Creation to the Messiah; the Son’s, from His Incarnation till His glorification; The Holy Spirit’s, from Pentecost to the end of the world.
—O God, who are Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we thank You for having created, redeemed and sanctified us, and made —your creatures— that the plentiful might of your Love may shine upon us.
January 19th
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Gospel and commentary video