Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Jesus, the "Son of Man"
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today’s we concentrate upon this mysterious term —"Son of man"— with which Jesus Christ —surprisingly— speaks of Himself. It was not in circulation as a title of messianic hope, but it fits exactly with the method of Jesus’ preaching, inasmuch as He spoke in riddles and parables. Thus, the Master led us gradually to the hidden reality that can truly be discovered only by following Him.
This term is from the Old Testament: the Prophet Daniel transmits the vision of the "Son of man", who comes from the above to bring universal justice. Jesus Christ identifies Himself with this "Son of man" who will come to judge the living and the dead. But the great novelty consisted in that Jesus explicitly used this "title" to announce His Passion. Thus, Jesus Christ associates the image of the coming judge of the world with that of the "Suffering Servant" (from the prophet Isaiah): the "Son" has come from above, to be a "man" who really suffers and dies to save everyone.
—Jesus, I love Your royalty made of suffering and exaltation, of abasement and majesty.
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video