Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
To venerate is to acknowledge from our humility God’s infinite greatness
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Pope Francis) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, more than ever before, veneration is necessary. To venerate is to prostrate oneself, to acknowledge from our humility God’s infinite greatness. Only true self-effacement can recognize true greatness, but can also recognize smallness when it endeavors to appear as significant.
One of the greatest perversions of our time is that we are asked to worship the human leaving aside the divine. "You shall worship the Lord, your God and Him only" is the great challenge in front of so many suggestions about the void and nothingness. Not to worship the contemporary idols - with their siren songs - is the great challenge of our present time. Idols causing death do not deserve any worshipping; only the God of life deserves worship and glory.
—To worship is to say "God" and to say "life". To worship is to be the joyful witnesses of His victory and not to be overwhelmed by the great tribulation while enjoying in anticipation the feast of the encounter with the Lamb, the only one worthy of worshipping, in whom we celebrate the triumph of life and love over death and abandonment.
Fr. Joan COSTA i Bou (Barcelona, Spain)Today, women who had gone to the tomb feel a great joy in their hearts by the message of the angel of the resurrection of the Master. And go "running": their hearts will burst if not communicated to all disciples. Jesus meets Mary Magdalene and the other Mary ... and every man and woman.
God has united Himself to every man through His incarnation, in a certain way. The reactions of the women in the presence of the Lord express the deepest human attitudes before our Creator and Redeemer-submission because they "grabbed" at his feet and worship. Worship is the submission of tenderness; on an absolute level, we only give to God.
—"Do not be afraid", says Jesus. Afraid of the Lord? Never, He is the Love of loves! Fearful of losing Him? Yes, because we know our own weakness. This is why we hold very strongly to His feet. Lord, do not leave us!
January 5th
The Epiphany of the Lord
Gospel and commentary video