Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Marriage: love is fruitful!
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, Christ provokes a smile in us when we see Him reprimand His disciples when they rebuke the little children. But also today God has to say: "Let the little children come to me". Nowhere in the Bible do we find any indulgence for the "ante-natality". There is no love retracted; love is expansive because fertility is the natural way to convey the joy of "loving and to be loved".
In sexuality the human person is driven to the Creator in his maximum nearness, in his ultimate responsibility. Each individual is a creature of God, and at the same time a son of his parents: there is an interrelationship between the divine creation and human fertility. Sexuality is something powerful, and this can be seen in that it brings into play the responsibility for a new human being that belongs to us and does not belong to us, that derives from us and, at the same time, does not derive from us.
—O Lord, increase our love for children: the world will gain much.
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Gospel and commentary video