Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Divine Liturgy
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we see that, devoid of transcendence, all that is left to man is to cry out, because he wishes to be only earth and seeks to turn into earth even the heavens and the depth of the sea. The true liturgy (identification with Christ to praise the Father by becoming sons in the Son), restores to Him the fullness of His being.
Fish live in the sea and they are silent; terrestrial animals cry out, but birds, whose vital space is the heavens, sing. Silence is proper to the sea, crying out to the earth, and singing to the heavens. Man, however, participates in all three: he bears within him the depth of the sea, the weight of the earth and the height of the heavens; this is why all three modes of being belong to him: silence, crying out, and song.
—O Jesus, your call invites us again to be silent and to sing. In the liturgical action You restore to us depth and height, silence and song.
January 19th
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Gospel and commentary video