Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
God is Reason (Logos) and Love (Relation)
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today —facing the many inconsistencies of our history— our task as Christians is to make sure that our idea of God (reason and love) is not excluded from the debate about man. First, God Himself is the "Logos", the rational origin of all reality, the creative reason and the love from which the world came forth and which is reflected in the world: that is why man adheres to Him and complies with Him by keeping an open mind and defending a type of reason that is not blind to the moral dimensions of being.
Second, "Logos" means a reason that is not simply mathematical, but is at the same time the foundation and guarantee of the good. The Christian faith in God tells us that God —eternal Reason— is Love (He is not turning in on himself without relationship to others). Precisely because He is sovereign and creator, because He embraces everything, He is Relation and He is Love.
—My faith in the incarnation, passion and death of Jesus Christ, for mankind, is the supreme expression that the heart of all morality is Love.
January 19th
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Gospel and commentary video