Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The Son of God
Fr. Antoni CAROL i Hostench (Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)Today, Jesus presents us with the boldest statement of all time: He and the Father are one. He reveals Himself as God and as the Son of God. Never before had any religious leader put forth such a claim. But Jesus performed "works" that only God could perform: He acts and speaks as God. His definitive "work" was His resurrection by His own power.
He really is the Son: He is Someone living who comes from another living Being (the Father), equal in nature (divine). He is pure Infinite-Affiliation: the Son is distinguished from the Father (for being the Son) and is fully identified, at the same time, with the Father (because He is infinite). He is the most perfect Image of the Father, for the Father —as a conscious Being— knows Himself and has an Image of Himself. Every man also has an image of himself, but in the case of God it is an infinitely perfect Image, as it is a divine Person: the Son proceeding from the Father by an intellectual "generation".
—Our Lord, I surrender to Your infinite beauty!
January 19th
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Gospel and commentary video