Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Parables are the "heart" of the preaching of Christ
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we see Jesus using parables for his teachings: parables are at the core of his preaching. One of the most profound aspects of Christ’s teachings is the mystery of the Son, in whom God makes himself present to us and fulfills his promise: Jesus has come and Jesus will always be the one who comes.
In his farewell, he explains to the Apostles that until then he had spoken to them by using comparisons, but that the time had come when he must speak clearly of the Father (as he did during his Passion). Parables refer, in a hidden way, to the mystery of the Cross, moreso, they are part of this mystery. Precisely because they reveal the divine mystery of the Son (Jesus), they bring about contradiction. When they reach maximum clarity (as in the “Parable of the Vineyard") they become stations of the "Via Crucis" (they throw the son out of the vineyard and they "kill" him).
—Lord, your teaching commits me to changing my life. You gently call me and you come to get me. I want to have ears to hear.
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