Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The Judgment as a place for practicing hope
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today before the image of the final Judgment, Lent renews our hope in Him who makes us pass from death to life. The judgment is a “place to practice hope”. The image of the final judgment is not an image of terror but a decisive image of hope: only God can create justice.
God has revealed His face precisely in the figure of the sufferer and shares the condition of the “abandoned man”, taking it upon Himself. This Innocent sufferer became the certitude of hope: God exists, and God can create justice in a way that we are not able to conceive, however, we can sense it in the faith. Yes, there is resurrection of the flesh, there is justice! There is an “undoing” of past suffering, the reparation that restores the Law.
—Faith in the final Judgment is, first and foremost, hope whose need becomes clear before the upheavals of recent centuries: the injustice of history will not have the last word…
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video