Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Christ pulls down the wall of death
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today we listen to the “voice of faith” from the lips of Martha, Lazarus’ sister. Jesus repeats: “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live”. This is the true newness which abounds and exceeds every border! Christ pulls down the wall of death and in him dwells all the fullness of God, who is life, eternal life. Therefore death did not have power over him and the raising of Lazarus is a sign of his full dominion over physical death which, before God, resembles sleep.
However there is another death, which cost Christ the hardest struggle, even the price of the Cross: it is spiritual death and sin which threaten to ruin the existence of every human being.
—To overcome this death, Christ died and his Resurrection is not a return to past life, but an opening to a new reality, a “new land” united at last with God’s Heaven.
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