Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The risk of rejecting the Gospel
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we see around us every day that many remain indifferent. Trust in the action of the Holy Spirit must always impel us to go and preach the Gospel, to the courageous witness of faith; but, in addition to the possibility of making a positive response to the gift of faith, there is also the risk of rejecting the Gospel, of not accepting the vital encounter with Christ.
St. Augustine was already posing this problem: “We speak”, he said, “we cast the seed, we scatter the seed. There are those who deride us, those who reproach us, those who mock at us. If we fear them we have nothing left to sow and on the day of reaping we will be left without a harvest”.
—Rejection, therefore, cannot discourage us. As Christians we are evidence of this fertile ground. Our faith, even with our limitations, shows that good soil exists, where the seed of the Word of God produces abundant fruits of justice. And the whole history of the Church, with all the problems, also shows that good soil exists, that the good seed exists and bears fruit.
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