Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
"New" and "Old" in the Church
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, history goes at a meteoric speed: in just one single day more things are discovered and produced than "before", in a century. And the Church? It is a family’s "cultural heritage ". Without ceasing to be herself, she is called to the “dynamics of fidelity ": an updated understanding ("new" things) of the perennial treasure of the Revelation ("old" things).
This sure unchangeable doctrine —true and immutable— which must be faithfully respected, has to be studied in depth and presented in a way that fits the requirements of our time. For the deposit of the faith, that is, the truths contained in our venerable doctrine, is one thing, and the way in which they are enunciated, while still preserving the same meaning and fullness, is another.
—O Lord, I beg you especially to enlighten the Pope and the Bishops. They are the administrators of the mysteries of God and the main responsible parties of this demanding "synthesis of fidelity and dynamism” that all your People must live with.
January 19th
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Gospel and commentary video