Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The temptation of "success" without the Cross
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, Jesus applies to Himself Zechariah’s prophecy, which, in a mysterious vision, had alluded to a Messiah suffering death. Jesus Christ gives a concrete shape to this vision directed toward an unknown future. However, the adversity prophecy is immediately followed by the promise of salvation. Jesus, through death, will live again.
Jesus-Resurrected is fully the Shepherd who on His journey from death guides us on the path of life. But Peter does not pay attention to the prophecy of the resurrection and only becomes aware of the announcement of death. Being contrary to the Cross, he cannot understand the word "resurrection" and wants success without the Cross.
—O Lord, who can deny that Peter’s attitude reflects the constant temptation of Christians, and even of the Church? (Succeed without the cross). No one is by himself strong enough to walk the path of salvation until the end. We all need the love of the Crucified.
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Gospel and commentary video