Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The "purgatory"
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, even this "dishonest manager" is praised by the heart of Jesus (for his shrewdness). We admire God’s obstinacy to save our lives, even by taking advantage of whatever small "fragments" of good He may find in our earthly existence. In this line runs the Catholic teaching on "purgatory".
For the great majority of men —we may suppose— there remains in the depths of their being an ultimate interior openness to truth, to love, to God, although in the concrete choices of life, however, it is covered over by ever new compromises with evil. God may pick up the "fragments" and do "something" with them (to purify them and put them together again). We do need a final cleansing (a purgatory!) in such a way that we are able to be with Him and can stand there in fullness of life. This is such a very human need that, if there was no purgatory, then we would have to invent it!
—O Lord, rather than a "post that turned out wrong" I would like to be salvaged to complete my life with You.
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