Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we must make present the reality of the living God, who knows our hearts. The absence of God in our thinking leads to the decline of man and of humanity. In particular, the lack of faith in eternal life, which means life with God. "Deism" —the idea that God may exist, but that He does not fit in our lives— influences our culture.
We no longer dare to speak of eternal life. God has become for us remote, abstract. We no longer believe that man is so important in the eyes of God for Him to deal with us. We believe that for God, if He does exist, our things cannot have too much importance. And so, we have decided "to build us by ourselves", and to rebuild the world without bearing in mind the realities of God, of judgment and of eternal life.
—O Lord, you are the living God, Who knows us and Who loves us. We live before Your eyes.
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