Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Spiritual myopia and moral shallowness
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Pope Francis) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, perhaps as few times in our history, this badly wounded society waits a new coming of the Lord. It awaits the healing and reconciling appearance of the One who is the Way, Truth and Life. His passage and His saving presence have been a constant in our history.
It is not exaggerated to say that we are in a time of "spiritual myopia and moral shallowness", which is trying to impose as normal upon us a "culture of the low", where there seems to be no place for transcendence and hope. But still there beats in man a desire for God! Given the pride and arrogance of the new invasive Goliaths who, from some media and even government offices, are trying to update prejudices and altruistic ideologies, it is necessary, now more than ever before, the tranquil confidence of David defending our inheritance from the plain.
—Today, more than ever, you can discover a search of the Absolute that, at times, takes the form of the painful cry of an outraged humanity: "We want to see Jesus" (Jn 12:21).
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