Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Misery comes from a demoralized society. Contraception (Condom use)
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, against the accusations to the Church for aggravating misery by forbidding the use of contraceptives, we can answer that misery is the result of a breakdown of the moral sense. The misery is not produced by those who bring up children to learn faithfulness and love, respect for life and self-restraint, but by those who try to talk us out of morality and who see man only in a mechanistic way.
The condom seems to them more effective than morality, but to think you can replace the morality of a man with condoms to guarantee his freedom, is stripping man of all dignity, down to his most basic self, producing exactly what they claim to be preventing: a selfish society in which everyone lives his own life and is responsible for nothing and no one.
—Misery comes from demoralizing society, not from moralizing it, and the condom propaganda is an essential part of this demoralizing, the expression of an attitude that despises people and that in any case thinks people capable of nothing good whatsoever. (with life and true love).
September 15th
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Gospel and commentary video