Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Christian poverty: detachment from earthly riches
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we cross the "anonymous" figure of the "rich young man". If he had responded positively to the invitation of Jesus, he would have become his disciple and we would now probably know his name. If man puts his trust in the riches of this world, he will not reach the full sense of life and of true joy.
Jesus, therefore, can truly guarantee a happy existence and eternal life, but by a route different from what the rich young man imagines: that is, not through a good work, a legal tribute, but rather in the choice of the Kingdom of God as the "precious pearl" for which it is worth selling all that one possesses. The rich youth is not able to take this step. Notwithstanding that he has been the object of the loving gaze of Jesus, his heart is not able to detach itself from the many goods that he possessed.
—Jesus does not say the earthly riches are bad, but that they distance one from God if they are not, so to speak, "invested" for the Kingdom of Heaven.
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video