Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Jesus, the new David
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, in dispute with the Pharisees, Jesus himself gives a new interpretation of the Psalm 110. Indeed, to the idea of the Messiah as the new David with a new davidic Kingdom, Jesus Christ opposes a larger vision of the one who is to come: the true Messiah is not David’s son, but "David’s Lord"; He sits, not on David’s throne, but on God’s throne.
Traditionally, David is regarded as the principal author of the Psalms: he, thus, appears as the one who leads and inspires the prayer of Israel, he sums up all Israel’s sufferings and hopes. In the early Church, Jesus was immediately hailed as the new and real David. Therefore, the Psalms could be recited in a new way, yet without discontinuity, as prayer in communion with Jesus Christ.
—In the Psalms it is always Christ who is speaking, now as the head, now as the body. Yet, through Jesus Christ, all of us form a single subject and so —in union with him— we can truly speak to God.
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video