Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
St. John, apostle and evangelist
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, we remember another Member of the Apostolic College: John, son of Zebedee and brother of James. His typically Jewish name means "The Lord has worked grace". He was mending his nets on the shore of Lake Tiberias, when Jesus called him. John was always among the small group Jesus took with him on specific occasions. He is the author of the fourth Gospel, of three letters and of the Revelation.
In the Church of Jerusalem he was one of the "pillars". According to tradition, John is the "disciple whom Jesus loved" who laid his head against the Teacher’s breast at the Last Supper, stood at the foot of the Cross together with the Mother of Jesus and witnessed both the empty tomb and the presence of the Risen One Himself. The Oriental Church calls him simply "the Theologian" (that is, the one who can speak in accessible terms of the divine).
—A characteristic theme of John is love. He does not make an abstract treaty of it because true love, by its very nature, always makes direct reference to real people.
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