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Contemplating today's Gospel

Today's Gospel + homily (in 300 words)

July 16th: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
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Gospel text (Mt 12,46-50): While Jesus was still talking to the people, his mother and his brothers wanted to speak to him and they waited outside. So someone said to him, «Your mother and your brothers are just outside; they want to speak with you». Jesus answered, «Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?». Then He pointed to his disciples and said, «Look! Here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is for me brother, sister, or mother».

«Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is (…) my mother»

Fray Valentí SERRA i Fornell (Barcelona, Spain)

Today we evoke the Virgin under the popular name of Carmen. The Scripture celebrates the beauty of Mount Carmel where the prophet Elijah defended the purity of the faith. On the evangelic fragment of today’s Gospel, Jesus – our Lord – indirectly praises the purity of the faith of His Blessed Mother who, in a perfect way, fulfilled the will of the Father in Heaven (cf. Mt. 12:50) to such an extent that She has become, for all the generations of disciples, the most perfect model of how to listen and fruitfully live the Divine Word.

This Word cannot be hidden, but it has to glow and illuminate the whole world. This is why, we Christians, have to be a sort of "bulb holder" of the Gospel through the faithful and continuous fulfillment of the will of the heavenly Father, just as our Blessed Mother shows us daily how to do it, for She, in a similar way to us, also had her personal «journey on the roads of faith» (Second Vatican Council).

With regard to the faith of Mary and her compliance in the accomplishment of the will of the Father, the pope saint Paul VI said that Mary "had a faith that was not the direct evidence of knowledge, but the acceptance of the truth through the word of God that reveals it". In the Kingdom of God, that Jesus has inaugurated, the motive of glory or connection has not to go along with blood kinship, inasmuch as it is a spiritual realm where the kinship relationships with Jesus are to be forged from the obedience to His Word, which has to lead us to love and serve our brothers.

That She, Mary, may confirm us in our Christian vocation and increase our taste to savor the spiritual matters, and that under her guidance and protection we can climb the highest peaks of the mountain that is Christ, her Son!


March 16th
Second Sunday of Lent (C)

Gospel and commentary video