evangeli.net Subjects
Jesus in the Mysteries of the Rosary
Sorrowful Mysteries
- The Carrying of the Cross
We approach the "culmination" of the life of Jesus (and of the Mysteries of the Rosary). The Sorrowful Mysteries reach their maximum intensity when the great theme enters the stage: the Cross... In the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, the Cross already appears (for now, on the Lord's back): the Via Crucis begins! On this journey, perhaps, the Virgin had the opportunity to see her Son up close and address him with some words...
The Cross concentrates the history of salvation. But in any case, the Cross is essentially associated with the Resurrection: there is no real Resurrection if there is no "real death on the Cross" first; in turn, the "death on the Cross" would have no saving power (with a horizon of eternity) if it were not overcome by the Resurrection (Read more: "Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him").

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