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Subjects Rosary Mysteries

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Jesus in the Mysteries of the Rosary

The Holy Rosary is a millenary tradition. It’s pray combines the recitation of vocal prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory ...) with the consideration of the so-called "Mysteries of the Rosary", which are stellar moments - "flashes" - of Jesus Christ passing through this world.

This Christological journey goes from the Conception of Jesus in the bosom of the Virgin Mary to her Ascension (the cycle is completed with "The coming of the Holy Spirit" and the mysteries of the "Assumption" and "Coronation" of St. Mary). With good reason Saint Paul VI defined the Rosary as "a compendium of the life of Christ."

evangeli.net Subjects addresses the consideration of these mysteries, but with the methodology of our service: explaining the life of the Lord through the commented Gospel. Many comments from evangeli.net deal directly with the life of Jesus: now we recover them and present them at the rhythm, not of the liturgical calendar, but of the flow of the Mysteries of the Rosary.

  1. Joyful Mysteries
    1. The Annunciation
    2. The Visitation of the Virgin to her cousin Elizabeth
    3. The Birth of Our Lord
    4. The Presentation and Purification in the Temple
    5. The finding of Jesus in the temple
  2. Mysteries of Light
    1. The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan River
    2. Christ's Self Revelation at the weddings of Cana
    3. Announcement of the kingdom of God and the invitation to conversion
    4. The Transfiguration of the Lord
    5. The institution of the Eucharist
  3. Sorrowful Mysteries
    1. The Agony in the Garden
    2. The Scourging of the Lord
    3. The Crowning with thorns
    4. The Carrying of the Cross
      1. The judgment. The Cross
      2. Road to Calvary. Simon of Cyrene
    5. Death on the Cross
      1. The Crucifixion of Jesus
      2. Death of Jesus
  4. Glorious Mysteries
    1. The Resurrection of of Jesus Christ
      1. «He is not here, for He is risen»
      2. «You are my Lord and my God!»
      3. «They recognized him, but he vanished from their sight»
    2. The Ascension
    3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
    4. The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
    5. The coronation of Holy Mary