evangeli.net Subjects
Jesus in the Mysteries of the Rosary
Glorious Mysteries
- The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
There is an obvious parallelism between the lives of Jesus and his Mother (the main "co-redeemer"). Specifically, if She lived the passion of her Son in an eminent way, it is also fair that she especially participates in the glory of the Son. Therefore, the Mysteries of Glory have its culmination with two mysteries about Mary Blessed. For now, She is already in Heaven in body and soul, like her Son: this is the mystery of the Assumption.
1st) «A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun» (Rev 12:1). The Assumption of Mary to Heaven is like the "coronation" of her vocation: she began with the fiat ("fulfill" in the Annunciation) and was consumed in this 4th Mystery of Glory. Saint Bernard contemplated this mystery with beautiful intuition: «Today earth has sent a priceless gift up to heaven» (Read more: «My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord»).
2nd) «For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother» (Mt 12:50). We all remember the scene! They warn Jesus: «Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you» (Lk 8:20), and Jesus said what he said. It seems as if he disregarded his Mother. But he wasn’t, and spoke those words being aware that they were faithfully fulfilled in her. It was a compliment to his Mother! For Mary, hearing God's Word and fulfilling His will was the “raison d'être” of her life.
For Holy Mary, death — the departure of time and entry into eternity — had no sense of end but of fullness consequently, as if she “slept in God”: going to the Father's House, meeting forever with the Son and flooded more than ever by the Holy Spirit. Hence the classic debate about whether the Virgin "fell asleep" or "died." St. John Paul II settled the question with the following words: «Whatever from the physical point of view was the organic, biological cause of the end of her bodily life, it can be said that for Mary the passage from this life to the next was the full development of grace in glory, so that no death can ever be so fittingly described as a “dormition” as hers».
3rd) «Most blessed are you among women» (Lk 1:42): Saint Elizabeth’s prophecy is especially fulfilled in the Mystery of the Assumption. In fact, only in Holy Mary has been given the privilege of entering ALL of Her - body and soul - into heaven. She has preceded us in Grace; She precedes us in the glorification ("divinization") of the human body.
No other woman has been praised and loved as Holy Mary is, the Mother of Jesus Christ. She really is "blessed among all women" (Read more: «People forever will call me blessed»).
January 5th
The Epiphany of the Lord
Gospel and commentary video