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Today's Gospel + short theological explanation

Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel text (Lk 14:1.7-11): On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully. He told a parable to those who had been invited, noticing how they were choosing the places of honor at the table. "(...) For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Political action: a commitment to justice

EDITORIAL TEAM evangeli.net (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)

Today, Jesus deplores our desire to prevail before others, particularly among those who are called to government responsibilities. It is proper to recall what King Solomon —in his enthronement— asked God: he did not ask for long life, riches or the elimination of his enemies..., instead he told the Lord: "Give your servant an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish between good and evil".

The motivation for a politician’s work should not be his own success, and certainly not, his own material gain, but his commitment to justice, so he can create the basic conditions for peace. Naturally, any politician seeks success, without which they would never have the possibility of effective political action. But success is subordinated to the criterion of Justice, to the willingness to apply the law and to the understanding of the law.

—To serve right and to fight against the dominion of wrong remains the fundamental task of the politician. God-Sovereign, at a moment in history, when man has acquired previously inconceivable power, this task takes on a particular urgency.

September 15th
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Gospel and commentary video


September 14th
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Gospel and commentary video