Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Jesus Christ, "mystery of recapitulation"
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, according to the Fathers of the Church, we can apply the image of the stable to the universe, wounded and disfigured by sin. What Christ, whose being is a "mystery of recapitulation", rebuilds is no ordinary Palace. He came to restore its beauty and dignity to creation: this is what makes the angels "rejoice".
The Earth is restored to good order by virtue of the fact that it is opened to God and it obtains its true light anew. And, in the harmony between human will and Divine will, it regains its beauty and dignity. The Christmas is a feast of restored creation. ("Recapitulated", rearranged to God). It is in this context that the song of the angels on that holy night is interpreted: it is an expression of joy over the fact that the height and the depth, the Heaven and Earth are once more united; that man is again united to God.
—Jesus, thanks to You, now Angels and men can sing together and, in this way, the beauty of the universe is expressed in the beauty of the song of praise.
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video