Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Presence of God
Fr. Julio César RAMOS González SDB (Mendoza, Argentina)Today, Jesus is leaving us. He is going back to the Father to be glorified. This seemed to sadden his disciples who were always looking at him with that physical gaze that only accepts and clings to whatever can be seen and touched. This feeling of his followers, that can also be appreciated in many of today's Christians, makes our Lord to avow that He will not leave us "orphans".
He will ask the Father to send us "another Advocate" (Helper, Intercessor), "the Spirit of truth". In the midst of our daily worries Jesus urges us on to feel that He is always present and to realize that He is alive and loves us, while, at the same time, He guarantees to whoever firmly decides to live and abide by His commandments, to show himself in the plenitude of the new and resurrected life.
—Lord, today, You appear alive and present before us, in the teachings of the Scriptures and in the Eucharist. Make my response to be that of a new life that surrenders to the appalling reality of your commandments.
January 12th
The Baptism of the Lord (C)
Gospel and commentary video