Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The "myth of the progress"
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, Jesus' mention of the "narrow gate" challenges the "myth of progress." Development based on ideologies that destroy hope in the afterlife and that impose progress as the political and human norm of existence. Even though it is true to say that enormous progress has been made, (scientific, technological etc.; some of it begins to threaten the basis of our creation, of our existence.
It is vital that this progress be subject to some moral criteria. Above all it should be considered that progress, that includes the relationship between humanity and the material world, does not mean the dawn of new man or the new society, as Marxism or liberalism have taught in the past. Man as man is the same, and has not changed in his ways, from the primitive times to modern times of this technically advanced world. The human being begins again from zero with the birth of each individual.
—Jesus, You have shown us the way of human progress from high up on the Cross with eternity as the horizon.
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